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‘You are far too happy,’ Kate said, who in the very latter stages of pregnancy was getting particularly grouchy and was never happy unless in receipt of juicy new gossip or a comfortable chair.

Sophie carried their two drinks over from the counter as Kate settled at their table in the corner of Greg’s coffee shop. ‘Here you go,’ Sophie said, putting the After Eight hot chocolates down on the table. They’d escaped school on time for a change and got their usual seat next to the window, where Greg and his team had used snow spray to give the tiny panes of glass a Dickensian feel. A wall of small white fairy lights adorned the window.

‘I’m not sure about this one,’ Kate said, picking it up and giving it a suspicious sniff.

‘I am.’ Sophie took a sip. ‘Greg said it had been a big seller this week.’ Foam fizzled under her nose. She wiped it away and licked her lips.

‘Ugh, you’re even happy about your hot chocolate.’ Kate shuffled in the seat, trying to get comfortable and failing.

‘When are you due again?’ Sophie laughed.

‘A week and a half to go!’ Kate said, even though they both knew the answer to Sophie’s question was Christmas Day.

‘A week and a half too much, if you ask me,’ Sophie said.

‘Oi!’ Kate threw a sugar sachet at her across the table.

‘Sorry.’ She held up her hands in defence. ‘I’m sorry for being too happy. It’s just that things are actually coming together. Rumour has it the flyers are finally finished. Albert should have been over to collect them this afternoon. I’ve not had a panicked phone call yet so I’ve got my fingers crossed they’re all right this time.’ She crossed her fingers in the air.

‘I’m not sure that no news is good news when it comes to Albert and flyers.’

‘Good point. I’ll not hold my breath until I see them.’ Sophie took a spoon to her hot chocolate and scooped some of the powder off the top.

‘Are you excited about tonight?’ Kate asked.

Sophie nodded. ‘I am but I feel sick too.’

‘You wouldn’t be you if you weren’t totally freaking out about it, though, would you?’

Sophie shook her head. ‘Nope.’

‘I’m surprised you agreed to come for a drink,’ Kate said, taking a tiny sip of her hot chocolate and pulling a face. ‘I thought you’d be rushing home to get ready. I assume you’re going to shave your legs?’ She wiggled her eyebrows and the sugar sachet came hurling back towards Kate.

‘We’re just friends,’ Sophie said. ‘And besides, Cassie will be there, so there’ll be no funny business.’

‘Cassie will be there?’ Kate said, her expression registering the information. ‘That’s almost more serious than sex.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Well, if he’s bringing his child into it, then you must be something special. It’s too high-stakes otherwise.’

‘I suppose,’ Sophie said. She let Kate’s comment wash over her and, once processed, came to the same worrying conclusion. ‘Although that terrifies me even more!’

‘Of course it does.’ Kate rolled her eyes.

‘Any last-minute advice?’ Sophie asked as she slurped the last of her drink and began to put all the layers she’d shed back on again. She grabbed Kate’s hands and used all of her body weight to winch her out of the sofa.

‘Just be yourself,’ Kate said, placing her hands on Sophie’s shoulders, partly for balance – they were supporting each other here – and looking her straight in the eye. ‘Also, don’t mess it up. And make sure you’re safe.’

It was Sophie’s turn to roll her eyes. ‘Enlightening advice, as always. Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome.’

‘Sophie! I’m so glad you’re here!’ Albert bounced through the door with a large cardboard box and two carrier bags. ‘The flyers! They’re here!’

He dumped the box and bags onto the coffee table and bent over to catch his breath. His cheeks were red with exertion and his comb-over flopped in the wrong direction.

‘Well? Do they look OK?’ Sophie asked.

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