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‘What about him?’ she asked, blushing.

‘He seems nice.’ Lulu raised an eyebrow that disappeared up into her turban.

‘He can be,’ Sophie said, ‘when he’s not being difficult.’ She hoped her disregard would get Lulu to move on to a different topic.

‘You’re blushing,’ Lulu said wickedly, pointing a finger at her. ‘You like him, don’t you?’

‘It’s a little more complicated than that,’ Sophie said, wondering how Lulu was so in tune with these things.

‘I’ll bet he’s been wonderful helping you with the solo,’ she said. ‘You must have got to spend lots of time getting to know each other a little better.’

Surely Lulu hadn’t …? Sophie shook the thought out of her head. She wouldn’t have dropped out of the concert on purpose. It wasn’t in Lulu’s nature. Was it?

‘He’s been very helpful,’ Sophie said. Now she came to think of it, she doubted she’d be anywhere close to agreeing to step in if Nigel had still been in charge.

‘He’s a good ’un, that Liam,’ Lulu said, picking up her cup and taking a sip of her tea. ‘And how’s Greg and Albert and the others?’ She surprised Sophie with her sudden change of topic.

‘They’re fine. Everyone is missing you, though. Do you think you’ll be back for the concert?’ Part of her hoped Lulu might sweep in and take her solo back just in the nick of time.

Lulu shook her head. ‘I’m afraid I’m out, this time. I can’t stand for too long right now and the doctor wants me to rest. And you know me, I couldn’t do anything half-heartedly.’

Sophie smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. The longer she spent in Lulu’s company, the more she suspected she was up to something. She decided not to press it. ‘But you’ll be back for the Easter concert?’ she asked hopefully.

‘You just try and stop me, kid,’ she said, her eyes sparkling. ‘Have you got any flyers so I can pass some on to my friends at bridge club?’

Sophie shook her head. ‘Not quite yet. They’re still being printed.’ She ignored the tightness in her chest, which now appeared without warning whenever she thought about the flyers. She would never trust Albert again after this mess.

‘When they’re done, be a love and bring some over, won’t you?’

‘No problem, Lulu.’

‘Would you like to stop for a spot of dinner?’ Lulu asked. ‘You’re looking awful wiry.’

‘No, thank you. I’m fine. It’s a school night and I’ve got lots to do before the end of term so I should really get home and do some work.’

‘Sure thing.’ They both rose from their chairs.

‘Don’t get up,’ Sophie said. ‘I can let myself out.’

‘I ain’t dead yet, kid,’ Lulu said, lifting herself from the chair. Her eyes met Sophie’s across the room, and she wobbled dramatically and reached out for a stick that had been resting against the wall during Sophie’s entire visit. ‘Can’t get anywhere without this these days,’ she said quickly, before leading the way back to the front door.

She was up to something. Sophie chewed the inside of her cheek thoughtfully as she walked to the front door, Lulu taking tiny steps and occasionally making a noise to suggest she was in pain.

‘It was so lovely to see you, honey,’ Lulu said, bringing Sophie in for another hug when they’d reached the entrance hall.

‘And you. I’m glad you’re managing to get about a bit.’

‘Nothing can stop me, Sophie, you know that.’ She smiled, her red lipstick cracking in places. ‘Thank you for the flowers and the tipple,’ she added, winking. ‘I’ll enjoy a glass later.’

‘You’re welcome, Lulu. We can’t wait to see you back at choir.’

‘Just you try and stop me,’ she said. ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can be. Goodbye!’ She waved flamboyantly as Sophie walked back out along the garden path.

It was good to see Lulu, and she seemed happy about Sophie taking over her solo – a little bit too happy. She thought Lulu might have been disappointed to know the solo had gone to someone else. As it was, she seemed pleased that it was Sophie and oddly chuffed that it had led to her spending more time with Liam. She thought again about how spritely Lulu had seemed despite her fall, and wondered if she’d made more of it than she needed to. The thought was replaced with a wave of nausea linked to the concert being so close now and the fact that the solo was only a few days away – and just a little bit of excitement that her date with Liam was in only twenty-four hours’ time.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

As predicted, Friday rushed past in a torrent of festive giddiness. The nearer the end of term, the faster time passed. The positivity of the staff looking forward to a well-deserved break; the children starting to get excited about Father Christmas; the festive nativity play and Christmas dinner in the canteen all came together for a lovely few days. For Sophie, there were other exciting things happening too, and she floated around in happy daydreams all day.

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