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‘Mr Hawthorn.’

He stood to the side, inviting Sophie to join him slightly away from the crowd of teachers and students waiting for their parents. He’d left Cassie sitting on a bench by the school gate.

‘So, have you thought any more about rehearsing tomorrow?’

‘Erm …’ Sophie babbled uncertainly, acutely aware of Kate’s proximity. Behind Liam, Kate’s eyes had widened as she did an exaggerated nod and mouthed, Say yes!

‘I was hoping you might have texted me again by now,’ he joked, sensing how uncomfortable she was and playing with her.

‘I … it was … I …’ Where were the words? Sophie was never lost for words. She wanted to go, so why couldn’t she just say so? This wasn’t about feelings or romance. This was about the concert and making sure the solo happened so that she could raise money for her mother’s charity.

‘Look, how about I pick you up at around 2 p.m.? We can rehearse and then have a coffee or something afterwards?’ Liam said, his eyes bright and his face smiling.

How could she say no? Now if only she could find the words to say yes.

‘All right,’ agreed Sophie eventually. ‘But I can drive; you don’t need to worry about coming to collect me.’

‘No, no. It can be treacherous on the roads in these conditions. I’d rather know you were safe.’

‘OK, well, thank you,’ Sophie said, thinking how nice it was that he wanted to ensure her safety.

‘Text me your address so I know where I can get you,’ he said. Then, looking around to see Kate, he added, ‘Thank you for your help, Miss Lawson,’ and winked at her. ‘See you tomorrow,’ he whispered.

Sophie smiled. She was a schoolgirl excited about a first crush.

Chapter Twenty

Sophie’s flat was tiny. Having spent the last few hours attempting to make a critical fashion decision, she had now covered the place in discarded outfits and accessories. Sophie had every single pair of shoes that she owned out on the bed and a dozen dresses and tops hung up on any and every surface available that would take a coat hanger. Her cheeks were red and her hair a mess, having brushed it back off her face a hundred times in the process. She opened a window out into the December air. She didn’t care that they were in the throes of winter. Sophie was warm. Really warm. And she needed to cool down – in more ways than one.

Lifting various items and accessories, Sophie searched for her phone. She found it under a pile of cardigans and scrolled through to find Kate’s number.

‘Kate!’ She almost screamed when she heard the sound change and guessed that Kate had answered.

‘Sophie. Are you OK?’ Kate sounded genuinely worried.

‘Yes, yes,’ Sophie said, waving her hand about and then feeling foolish that Kate wasn’t there to witness her body language. ‘Look.’ She sat down on the bed. ‘I know I’ve been playing everything down until now, but Liam is due to pick me up in an hour, and I don’t know what on earth to wear. I want to look nice,’ she admitted pathetically.

‘But it’s just a rehearsal. What are you worried about?’ Kate’s voice was laced with faux concern.

Sophie could hear the glee dripping through the phone. Kate wasn’t going to make this easy. Sophie would have to admit what was really going on here before she handed over any advice.

‘All right.’ She’d succumbed far quicker than she would have liked, but Liam would be there to pick her up soon. She was running out of time. ‘I like him. This rehearsal is important to me, even if it just puts my feelings to bed.’

‘Interesting choice of phrase,’ Kate said, her smirk reaching Sophie through the phone.

‘Oh, shut up!’ She threw one of the tops she had already decided against onto the floor in mock frustration. ‘Please help me! I’m all flustered and I don’t know what to wear!’

‘Just go smart-casual,’ came the unhelpful response.

‘I was kind of hoping for something more than that,’ Sophie said, particularly disappointed given her admission only seconds earlier. She thought the trade was worth slightly more than that. ‘I didn’t just tell you I like Liam for your advice to be “smart-casual”!’

‘I’m not sure I can really help. Just wear something that you’re comfortable with and be yourself. Liam has invited you over for one of two things. Either he genuinely wants to rehearse, in which case you’ve got nothing to worry about. Or he already likes you too, in which case you’ve got nothing to worry about. He sees you all the time. He knows what you usually wear, so yes, go smart-casual. What you wear isn’t going to have an impact either way.’

‘You’re right,’ Sophie said, lying back on her bed. Her breathing noticeably slowed again.

‘Of course, you probably want to wear something easy to get on and off and that you won’t mind doing the walk of shame in.’ Kate laughed wickedly.

Sophie groaned. ‘Goodbye, Kate. Thank you for not being useful at all!’ She hung up, putting her phone down on the bed beside her.

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