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Sliding gently from his embrace so I wouldn’t wake him up, I replaced the blankets and kissed him lightly on the cheek. My tits were hurting like the dickens, so I decided to forgo a bra when I got out of the shower. Squeezing into my favorite suit, I went out into the kitchen to start breakfast. Everything was great up until the fifth or sixths bite—the omelet, which I usually loved, lurching in my tummy, making me feel pretty nauseated. There were a lot of foods that had started to make me feel sick. I thought back to what Sequoia said about me giving her grandkids and wondered if there might be something to it. Cooper and I had been pretty careful, but there was that first time when he took my virginity and came in me. I needed to know for sure.

Cooper was still deeply asleep when I’m checked on him the second time. It wasn’t really a surprise. He had been pretty emotionally drained the night before. Massive catharsis will do that to you.

A new feeling came over me—one of protectiveness and love. I wanted to do everything I could for him. Starting with making the lawsuit resolve as quickly as possible. He already had enough to deal with, particularly if it turned out I was having his baby. Though that could also be a real issue in terms of the lawsuit. It had conflict of interest written all over it.

Finding my shoes, I went to a nearby drugstore. Wending my way through the endless aisles, illuminated by the brightest neon lights known to humanity, I searched. Just a bit too embarrassed to ask for help in finding what I was looking for. Finally, finding it in the second last aisle.

Eating some red licorice I had picked up as an impulse by on my way out, I waited for the test to turn. Realizing it was probably like watching a kettle, I went to get a drink. Opting for milk instead of coffee, just in case, I drank two glasses full before returning to the bathroom.


It was the right thing to do. I had to remove myself from the case. I was far too involved with my client, not only fucking him on a regular basis but also carrying the fruits of that love. It was clear and straightforward. I had to step back and let Cooper fight the case himself. Except I wasn’t going to. Anderson didn’t have to step aside either. I could take him. I could have anyway. They really had no case, except perhaps around the breach of contract though there were ways around that too. I also felt a new sense of purpose. I was going to fight hard for the man I loved and our baby, even if I did have to keep it secret for the moment.

I had a sudden urge to eat again, so I went to make brunch. I figured Cooper would probably want to eat when he woke up, which was probably going to be pretty soon. I was right though not in quite the way I had imagined.

I didn’t even hear him coming. His footsteps light and easy. I felt him, though—his breath on the back of my neck, his arms around me. I had changed out of my suit when I got back from the store. I was wearing nothing but panties and a robe. Soon enough, the gown was open, hanging loosely from my shoulders, and Cooper’s soft, strong hand was nestled in the front of my panties. Stroking me in the most wonderful way. I turned off the skillet just ask he scooped me up and carried me Tarzan-style back to the room.

Slipping my panties down, my feet at the edge of the bed, Cooper got to his knees between my thighs and buried his face into my pussy. Eating me out like a starving man. I stroked his hair as I moaned, his beautiful tongue stroking my pussy until I wanted to scream.

When I had recovered from his luscious tongue lashing, Cooper put on a condom and stroked the head of his cock against my ready pussy. After a bit of teasing that had me squirming with anticipation, he slipped inside, leaning down to kiss me as he did so, his huge cock filling me up so deep I could feel him when I breathed.

“Gentle, okay?” I managed to say as he started to pump.

I was a bit worried about the baby, if Coop fucked me too hard that was, and I was also getting a bit tender down there. He did as I asked. My sweet man moved gently inside me, rocking his massive cock in and out of my tight pussy, working me up to a beautiful, bone-shaking orgasm.

Getting us both dressed again, Cooper helped me finish cooking brunch, and we sat down together like a real couple on a regular morning. It was beginning to feel more like that all the time and not just because I had met his mom and was carrying his baby. Though it certainly helped.
