Page 62 of Grim's Hell

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When Violet scrambles around me and off the bed, I know I’ve gone too far.

Note to self… take things nice and slow with my wife.

As she starts to pace, the vibrator still in her grasp, Violet takes her phone out of her pocket. She stabs a finger at the screen, and her lips begin to move. Ten seconds later, my cell vibrates in my pocket. I grab it and glance at the notification of a text from her.

Violet: Can we please stop talking about this?

I want to honor her request, but something in me aches to keep the conversation going.

Me: Why?? I like talking dirty to you

Violet’s lips move again, but then she shakes her head and taps the screen several times. It’s a full two minutes before another text comes through.

Violet: I feel like you’re making fun of me.

Not what I was expecting.

Me: I’m not. Promise. I want you to feel comfortable around me… safe

Violet: I do feel safe. Comfortable might take a while. We’re different.

Me: Opposites attract, right?!

Violet stops pacing to stand in front of me and points to her lips.

“Tell me about your meet—” She presses her mouth closed for a second. “Tell me about church.”

Okay, so we’re definitely done talking about anything fun.



“No, I won’t tell you about church.”

“But I’m your wife.”

“Yes, you’re my ol’ lady, but club business is club business.”

Anger flares in her lilac-colored irises, swirling around like the eye of a hurricane. She throws the vibrator onto the bed and turns to walk away, but I lunge to my feet and grab her good arm to spin her around.

“Let go,” she demands, her anger morphing into fear.

I do, but only because I don’t want her to be afraid of me. I’d never hurt her. I’m not Brad.

“I need you to understand something,” I begin. “Club business is club business. I’m not allowed to talk about it. The other women deal with it, and so will you.” When she opens her mouth to argue, I arch a brow. “It’s for your safety. The more you know, the more danger you’re in.”

She wrinkles her forehead as if considering my words, then nods curtly. “I can deal with that on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“I can handle being kept safe. I mean, that's why I agreed to all this.” She sweeps her arm to indicate the room, although I know she means so much more than our surroundings. “Safe, yes, but in the dark?” Violet shakes her head. “If it’s information that has to do with me, I need to know.”

“What makes you think I have information about you?”

“Soul ordered all the guys to church immediately after you announced that we were married.” She shrugs. “Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”

She’s not wrong. Not only was the topic of conversation about us, but once Jez barged in, things quickly turned to Violet’s safety.

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