Page 18 of Grim's Hell

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I gently push him back and hop down from the counter. He yanks me back tight against his chest and leans close.

“You’re mine, Violet,” he says with a growl. “And as soon as you sayI do, I will show you how much I own you… body and soul.”

A shiver races down my spine, and he snickers. Brad releases me but not before he kisses my forehead. Once he’s gone, I can call my parents and figure a way out of this mess. But first, I have to get through dinner.

The night comes to an end without any more incidents, and I thank God when he finally leaves. I immediately call my mom and without going into too much detail, I explain to her what happened last week and tonight. I don’t even realize I’m crying until I taste the salty tears on my lips.

“Mom, what am I going to do?” I cry. “I can’t go through with this wedding. He’s not the man I thought he was.”

“Violet, you’ll be fine. I promise,” Mom states confidently. “I do believe it was an accident that you hit the wall. He’s much bigger than you, and you’re so light that he probably didn’t realize his own strength.

“But Mom, what abo—”

“Don’t interrupt,” she chastises. “I do agree that he shouldn’t be discussing sex with you before the wedding night. I will speak to your father and have him talk to Brad. But honey, you do have to realize that Brad is a man and has needs. Your job as his wife is to make sure he is taken care of at home. It’s okay to be shy and afraid. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the same upbringing as you, and he’s more worldly.”

I pull the phone away from my ear and stare at it. I must be in an alternate universe. That’s the only explanation because there’s no way my mom is defending his actions.

“Mom, stop,” I practically shout. “I can’t go through with this wedding.”

“Violet Marie Simpson,” Mom says sternly. “Stop it right now. The announcement has already been made, and the date is set. You will not embarrass us all because of your childish fears of marriage. I will talk to your father so he can have a conversation with Brad, but the wedding will happen. After your midterms, we will go dress shopping. Now, I have to go.”

Before I can argue further, the call is disconnected. I try to wrap my brain around what just happened, but that’s not at all how I thought that phone conversation would go.

I step into my bathroom and in front of the mirror, lift my shirt over my head, and unclasp my bra before lowering it down my arms. Bruises mar my breasts where Brad squeezed and pinched me.

What the heck have I gotten myself into? How do I get out of this mess?



“What’s your problem?”

I continue to towel dry my hair and stare at Jez. If Prez’s twin is going to ignore the fact that I’m in my birthday suit, so am I. Jez is glaring at me from her position in my doorway, and I make a mental note to talk to Soul about his sister still having admin access to all the security measures in the clubhouse.

Jez shoves off the door frame and strides toward me, lifting her hands. “Well?”

After a few more seconds of staring one another down, I toss my towel to the floor and move to my dresser. As I open the top drawer to grab a pair of boxer briefs, Jez’s small hand grips my bicep. She urges me to face her, so I do.

“I asked you a question.”

“What makes you think I have a problem?” I counter.

Jez reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cell to wave it in the air, forcing me to read her lips. “Because I’ve been texting you for almost three hours, and you haven’t even read them yet.”

I glance down at my nude body and back to her. “Maybe because I was in the shower.”

“For three hours, Grim? Three fucking hours?”

Reaching up and rubbing the back of my neck, guilt settles in my gut. I’ve never intentionally ignored Jez… until today.

“I was in the gym before that,” I admit.

“The gym?”

I pull on my underwear and dig through the drawers to find jeans and a t-shirt. Once I’m fully clothed, I face Jez again.

“What’s with all the questions?”

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