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I try not to glance up at my two Eostrixes destroying the beautiful city as we sprint through the snow-filled streets. After several blocks, the rubble finally clears and we can run a bit easier. All the creatures who live here have fled to their homes, and thank gods for it.

“There!” Rune shouts as he points to the atrium. Wren and Moro stand with horror written all over their faces. Their eyes are tracked on Arulius and Kastian as they war in the sky.

We approach them with caution but I relax once I see their normal eye colors.

“Where the fuck have you two been? What’s going on!” Wren stalks toward me and eyes my shredded clothes, which are covered in crimson. Moro gives us an equally questioning look.

“Well, okay, here’s what happened. You two went crazy and tried to kill Rune because you heard him talk… and you can clearly see Kastian is fighting. We managed to destroy the skull and now we just need to get the Hollows out!”

The two look at each other incredulously. Rune remains silent at my side. I’m sure he’s still nervous about talking since it’s been so long since he’s been able to speak without being attacked.

“I suppose that explains why I’m missing some memories about how we ended up here… and why you look like that.” Moro rubs his eyes like he’s stressed out—fuck, we all are.

Wren doesn’t look so convinced but he drops it. “Okay, we can sort this out when we get back home. Let’s hurry up here,” the Cypress snaps as we enter the atrium.

Home. I want to be home with all my males and family, warming by the fire, safe and sound with the Rhythm intact.

It’s so close.

The Hollows are all frenzied by the energy in the air and the destruction that wages outside the glass dome. I try to calm them as much as I can but it’s Moro who handles them like the master he is. I don’t miss the gleam and admiration in Wren’s eyes as he watches the Keeper calm them all with one hum and cast a beautiful silver dust across them. That must be his power, and it works instantly.

“Let’s go!”

Rune and I charge through the atrium to shatter the glass. I lash out a few arcs of my now-crimson aura while Rune summons his fire aura—I’m entirely in awe of it.

Fire engulfs his hands, the center heated with crimson but the tips licking the sky with ebony flames. He gives me a cocky glance and smirks because I’m gawking at him like a love-drunk Eostrix.

His flames devour the glass and all the shattered pieces that fall, making them disappear into nothing. It’s as if the fire itself is a beast that eats anything the caster wishes.

Moro doesn’t wait to stare in awe like I do—he’s on the largest Hollow in the group and leads the way as every single last one charges out behind him. Wren leaps and grabs the scruff of one like he’s making a grand escape and he shouts with excitement. My heart is pounding out of my chest with adrenaline and I can’t help but shout with the rush of this too.

“We did it! Oh my gods!” I leap into Rune’s arms and he smiles wide at me. I can feel his heart hammering in his chest too as we embrace. We manage to catch the last two Hollows in the group.

The wall is just a few leagues ahead of us and I’m worried some of the smaller Pine Hollows can’t jump the wall like Brevik could, but Moro is already on it.

He raises his hand and makes a vertical slashing motion at the wall. For a second nothing happens, but then an enormous sword made of light from the fucking gods crashes down from the sky.

“What thefuck,you crazy asshole!” Wren shout-laughs.

The sword is entirely made of glowing, light blue aura, and I would bet my life it’s bigger than the court that Arulius and Kastian just destroyed.

Moro flicks his fingers like he wants the sword gone and the wall just obliterates into nothingness, creating a large opening for all of us to escape through.

I laugh and inhale deeply, spreading my arms out as I feel the cold air rush through me. I’ve never felt so fucking alive.

The beasts all howl and grunt as they realize they’re free and my heart couldn’t be fuller. Margo and Brevik are at the top of the hill, at the tree line, waiting for us.

We dismount and I instantly return my attention to the skies. I don’t see either of my gods and it makes me nervous, but I have to trust Kastian can hold his own until we get there to help.

We still need to take care of Violet.

“Moro, I didn’t know you had that kind of magic! Where was all that power when we got our asses whooped the first time?” Wren pats him on the back roughly and Moro smiles weakly.

“I didn’t have them until I visited Liasium.” I raise a brow and Rune narrows his eyes. “I met with the God of Memories.”

It takes me a second but I remember Kastian telling me about him. He resides in Liasium. We were going to go there to get the Vernovian Thorn taken off before Arulius and Wren attacked us in the tree.

“And you were able to recall your abilities? What about who your past life was?” I don’t think I’ll ever want my full memories back… Talia isn’t someone I want to become and the thought of it makes me queasy.

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