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I watch him like he watched me so many times. I watch him.

And then I let go.

My wings snap and crack back into place with the burst of power I release. My legs morph back to normal as well with sloshy snaps.

I’m not the same goddess as I was when I lost Kastian.

I look across the faces of the dead—the aftermath ofourplan, my precious Rune among them.

I blink and can feel the shift beneath my lids. When I reopen them I can see all their souls resting beside their bodies. The world around me is shrouded in a dark red mist, like blood sprayed into the air, creating a haze of rot. They all look like they’re sleeping next to their destroyed bodies.

I let my instincts run wild and lift my arms into the sky. I hear Rune’s voice in my head, the song he hummed to me the first night that he showed me kindness. I bite down on my tongue and force myself to focus.

The world around me hushes.


Silence and light. The red mist blows away with one thrust of my wings.

I smile and open my heart, leaving it vulnerable to the souls I welcome. I feel every single soul pass through me as they reenter their bodies. My eyes widen at my power. I’ve never seen it actually work. Their bodies are sewn back together like time itself has been turned back. Flesh and bone mend until they’re all perfect again, healthy, and not a single death remains on the cold stones of Nesbrim.

One soul lingers, caressing mine, and I let myself fall to my knees, wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to hold onto the feeling of Rune’s heart within mine. I let out a choked cry. It’s the warmest caress against my weary soul.

“I knew you could do it, pup. You just needed a little push.”

I flinch at his voice.

Hisvoice. No eerie, ghostly curse wrapped around it.

I look up and his eyes are crimson once more, staring deeply into mine with the life of a million suns.

I cry and leap into his arms, squeezing the hell out of him.

“I thought I lost you!” I wail and he clutches onto me just as desperately. “You said. Y-you said you couldn’t promise me you’d be with me forever.” I pound my fists angrily into his chest.

His red eyes are so soft and gentle as he laughs—actually laughs—and the sound of it makes me cry harder because I’ve never wanted anything so desperately.

“Don’t ever do that again.Ever. I won’t survive without you, Rune.” I stop hitting his chest and slump with the emotions.

He leans up and presses his forehead against mine. “Forever. A million wishes that we will make together and more.”

“You promise?”

He nuzzles his beautiful face into my shoulder. “I promise.”

“Your voice—the eerie curse isn’t there anymore,” I mumble into his shoulder.

He pulls away and looks at me, surprise filling his beautiful face. “Really?”

Sharp waves of aura rain down on us, ruining our perfect moment, and all I can see when I look up are flashes of black and gold feathers. Blood colors everything that remains of the castle.

Nesbrim is a ghost of its former self, but at least everyone who perished moments ago is back. They all look around, confused, while their friends who survived hug them dearly.

Naminé and Greysil are hugging desperately and sobbing. I let out a sigh of relief. I’ll never regret being the Goddess of Life again, not when I can grant such beautiful wishes.

Rune stands and offers me his hand to help me up. His dark hair is illuminated by the dusted-out orange suns behind him, his shirt lost in the rubble somewhere. My God of Peace and I intertwine our fingers and stand together as one.

“I don’t think we will have luck finding Violet in this mess. Let’s get the Hollows and pray to the gods that Wren and Moro have snapped out of their curse.” I jump on the largest pieces of stone slabs with Rune at my side.

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