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“Who’s sleeping with whom?” Before I could do more than whip my head toward my accountant, Joss went and answered Jen’s question.

“Lee’s sleeping with Kelly.”

Jen blinked at me and her mouth worked silently before she grabbed at the stone hanging from her necklace. “You’re sleeping with Kelly? My Kelly?”

My cheeks felt fuckin’ sunburned. I gripped the back of my neck and licked my teeth, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at her.

Didn’t matter anyway, not after she stepped up in front of me and ducked her head to catch my gaze.

“Is she okay? She’s safe?”

“Yeah.” I could barely rasp out the word.

“Good.” Jen put her hand on my arm. “You’ll be good for her, Lee. There’s no doubt how much you care for her. Anyone can see that.”

“I love her.” I hadn’t meant to say it, but the damn words tumbled out anyway.

Jen gave me a watery smile before wincing and pressing a hand to the side of her stomach. Her next words came out strained. “She’s easy to love.”

“Are you okay?” Joss asked, rounding her desk and coming to our sides, her attention locked on Jen’s very pregnant belly.

Jen waved her off. “I’m fine. It’s just Braxton Hicks. I just need to sit down and it will go away.” She turned back to me. “Tell her I said hi?”

“Of course.”

Jen winced again, then sauntered back to her office.

“You’re calling Vinny, right?” Rylan asked.

“Already on it.” Joss grabbed her phone, dialing as she spoke to me. “Your call with Kolton is in a few minutes, but—”

“He’s always late.”

“Always.” She held up her finger, turning her attention to her phone and Jen’s husband on the other end. “Hey, Vinny, it’s Joss.”

I checked my cell, only to hear Rylan laughing at me under his breath. Pointing my finger at him, I told him, “Behave yourself.”

He threw his hands up to his sides. “What did I do?”

Without answering, I turned and went to my office, shutting the door behind me as I did. I got myself settled in and my computer turned on before my phone rang five minutes late for my meeting.


“I know, I know.” The man hissed under his breath, and whatever music was playing in the background cut out. “I’m late. I’m sorry. I just—”

“Got distracted?” Quiet laughter shook my shoulders, but I didn’t dare let him hear.

Kolton Johns had always been one of my most dependable employees, right up until his current assignment. The situation wasn’t ideal, and had Rylan not gotten shot, it would have been him protecting the pop star and not Kolton.

But Rylan was shot, and I needed someone I could depend on for this job.

“How’s your client?”

“Fuck.” He dragged the word out. “She’s fucking amazing, Lee. Seriously, I can’t believe I’m here. I mean, Sloane Rivera. Do you have any idea—”

“How much you like her? Yeah. Yeah, you might have mentioned it before.” Only every time I’d talked to him since assigning him the case. And about a million times before that.

Kolton, it seemed, had an unrelenting crush on the pop star since the moment he first saw her years ago. Had I known just how deep that crush ran, I might have moved my men around and gotten someone else to watch over her.

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