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Because I would do anything she wanted. Anything she asked.

“Why were you looking for me?”

My mouth was dry again. I licked my front teeth, desperate for something to do other than answer her. “Needed to know you were okay.”

“You could have responded to my texts.”

Pain radiated from my chest. I slammed my eyelids shut, as if I could block out the past month.

How many times had I tried, only to delete the things I wanted to say?

Too many to count.

“I tried.” It came out a wheeze, and even that hurt.

“Not hard enough.” She’d moved from the wall, moved closer to me. Her palms smoothed over my shoulders, down my chest, her hands working the zipper on my vest as her breath whispered across my ear. “I saw you typing. All you had to do was push send.”

When I shook my head, my face touched hers. Her hands climbed my chest, then she ran them down my arms, tugging my vest right off. She smoothed her fingers over my hands until they twined with my own.

“I waited for you. Every night I laid in bed, wishing you were there with me. Wishing you’d hold me like you used to.”

Her voice was pure seduction, the feel of her pressed against me did things to my body I couldn’t have willed to stop even if I wanted to. She rose behind me, dragging her hands up my stomach, my chest, until she was gripping my shoulders again. I rolled my neck, letting go of tension I’d been carrying around since I last saw her as she draped her boa around shoulders.

Until she let go, walking away from me.

“You can’t just cut people out.” She walked around me, her fingers tugging at the little ribbon holding her top together. “That’s what you said to me.” She let it fall to the floor before turning toward me, giving me my first look at the girl who’d surely be staring in every fuckin’ dream I’d have for the rest of my life.

Her creamy skin was dotted with freckles, her dusky pink nipples peaked in the cool air pumping into the room. My mouth watered as I watched her sway to the music piped in overhead and my fingers itched to reach for her. To touch her and do the very things I was so scared to do.

I closed my eyes. Tugged at the collar of my shirt. Shifted in my chair, trying to get comfortable when there was no comfort to be found. Not with the way I strained in my pants. With the way my heart raced in my chest, like it could jump out of the cage of my ribs and leap across the room to lay at her feet.

“I waited for you, and you cut me out.” Her voice was close, and when my eyes snapped open, I found her standing in front of me, her blue thong doing little to hide her gorgeous fuckin’ body from my view. I did everything I could not to let my gaze drip over every inch of her, but that, too, wasn’t enough.

“I can’t.” It was a plea, but I wasn’t sure what I was begging for. More of her? All of her? Anything I could get?

Kelly lifted her foot, placing her shoe between my legs as she rested it against the seat of the chair, and the snake tattoo inked on her skin seemed to slither across her flesh. “Can’t what?”

My eyes were drawn to her ankle, and I realized the discoloration I’d seen below her leggings a month ago was this tattoo. I reached for her, letting my gaze guide my fingers up the smooth, smooth scales. They wound from her ankle and up her calf, around her knee and up her thigh. Wound around her hip, the head of the serpent peeking out above the waistline of her thong.

“Can’t tell you,” I told her, fingers dancing across her skin, “what you mean to me. What you always have, from the moment I first laid eyes on you.”

She leaned forward, her hands coasting over my shoulders as mine slithered up her thigh. “Tell me.”

I dropped a kiss to her tattooed kneecap before hooking my hands around her hips. She let me guide her forward until she was straddling my lap. Her blue-green eyes caught on mine as she hovered over me, lips so fuckin’ close to mine I could almost taste them.

“You scare the shit out of me.” It was a whisper, but she heard it. I tightened my grip on her hips to keep her from backing away. “Can’t stop thinking of you. Dreaming of you. Fuckin’ dying to know if you’re okay.”

“You left me.”

My lids slammed shut again, and I shook my head. “You’re killing me, Kelly. Each moment you’re not with me, each thought you don’t tell me, it’s like you’re flaying me alive. I want so desperately to be with you, but I don’t know how. But I fuckin’ miss you.”

“You think I don’t miss you?” Her body swayed over mine, her fingers danced across my jaw. “All day. Every day. You can’t imagine how pathetic I felt, not even knowing if you missed me back. Not even knowing if you were reading my texts or just deleting them. Throwing me away like I’m as worthless as I feel.”

“You’re not worthless.” My grip tightened, holding her in place as I pierced her with my gaze. “You’re priceless, Kelly. Fuckin’ priceless. I would gladly trade my life just so you could have yours.”

“Don’t say that.”

“It’s true. Don’t you understand? You’re everything to me. I fell in love with you and it scares the shit out of me because I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to love me back.”

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