Page 38 of The Summons

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I ’M IN DEEP, AND IN more ways than one. First off, traipsing across the English countryside in search of a hidden magical village is one thing. But to have to drink a concoction made of the grossest things I’ve ever heard in my life, is another. Especially when it’s to stop the conception of a Vampire’s sperm taking root. Not my words, Lilith’s. It seems my dear, old, great, (times a bajillion), granny, was the local gynecologist back in the day. Not only did she concoct vile birth control, but she also delivered babies. Even Vampire babies. And according to her book there indeed was a duplicate. Just not an accurate one. The other one was a decoy that she made after being ousted as a witch. Surprisingly, she had a fair trial, which was a real shocker to learn, considering her husband, Mickle, was the one that turned her in.

“I’ve read this book through twice and I still can’t find where it says that I don’t need to have an orgy on my wedding night.” I sigh and close the book with a snap, then toss it onto the back seat.

Cash laughs. “From the sounds of it she must have enjoyed a good romp in the hay.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose then look at him. “How do we even know that’s true?”

Cash came to a rolling stop in the middle the dirt road we’d been traveling on. He looked at me and swallowed hard. “I made sure it was. I did my own digging all those years I watched over you because I too, didn’t believe it nor did I want them touching you.”

I look at him and see he’s telling the truth. “Well, I suppose what else did you have to do. But why? You’re a guy. Guys like that sort of thing.”

He turns to face me and rubs the back of his hand down my cheek. “Because. From the minute I saw you I wanted you. In my mind you were mine. Mickle wanted to send in the other three to visit you in your dreams. He wanted to groom you.”

“Groom me? Like brush my hair and shit like that... or?”

“The or. He wanted you as a sex slave until the prophecy could be fulfilled. I refused, even went and hunted them down in their cave while they slept then set it ablaze as a warning. But then you got married, I was fucking furious when that happened but there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. The only saving grace was that you were no longer pure and no longer wanted as their concubine. And then your powers grew strong enough.”

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, I really don’t have powers.”

“Not magical powers. The power I’m talking about is the ability to bewitch. I fell in love with you four years ago. In order for the consummation to work and the prophecy fulfilled, one of the participants if you will, needs to love another one. Hence why there are four participants.”

“You love me?”

“I do.”

Tears sprang to my eyes as I thought of all the times he’s been by my side, watching and waiting in the wings. Loving me from afar and I didn’t even know he existed. “Why didn’t you come to me sooner?”

He shrugged. “You were married.”

“To an asshole! What would have happened if I still was? Who would be in my place?”

“No one. You are the one. Now that you know all of that, take a look out your window.”

I turn my head and look. There’s a little witchy looking house sitting a stones throw away from my window. I glance around and we are smack dab in the middle of a village with a total of eight witchy looking houses.

I whip my head around at him. “These were not here when we stopped... in fact, nothing was here but the road and fields.”

“I told you it was a magical village.” He puts the Jeep into park and shuts the engine off. Grinning at me, he opens his door. “Come on, you’re in for a treat.”

I grab up my purse as he comes around to my side and opens the door. He holds out his hand and I grip it for dear life, and I don’t let it go. I follow him up the walk, and he pushes his way into the shop. I don’t know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t this. The shop keeper, a little old man with a toothy grin greets Cash by name.

“Hector!” Cash calls out. “It’s so good to see you. How are you doing?”

For the first time since meeting him, I see that Cash is relaxed. I can tell he’s in his element. He’s home. I let go of his hand as the two of them exchange small talk and wander off to a wall of crystals and stones. I’m in awe of all of them but one in particular pulls at me. It reminds me of the Caribbean Sea. Light blue in colour, with a darker blue and white intertwining throughout. It’s stunning and I feel that I must have it for some reason. I select one from it’s glass dish, the prettiest one in my opinion and take it over to the counter. I set it down, look at Hector, and say, “How much and what is it?”

Cash laughs. “Please excuse Cassidy, she’s had a rough week.”

Hector waves his hand. “Nonsense. A good woman always knows what she wants and goes after it.” He grins at me then leans his elbows on the counter. “My dear, that is a Larimer Stone. It comes from only one place in the world and that is the Dominican Republic. Does it call to you?” He glances at Cash then back at me.

I nod. “It does.”

“Then you shall have it. But first, let me put it in something for you.” He picked up the stone and went through a curtained doorway that stood behind him.

“So, instead of needing to get all the ingredients and making the potion, Hector already had some on hand.”

I laugh. “Eels scales and all?”

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