Page 37 of The Summons

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Roger’s email is there. Tapping on it, we start reading it together in silence.

Cass, the language is ancient Irish Gaelic, to be precise, its Ogum, modern spelling is Ogham meaning Old Irish. I glanced through the book Jessica had me scan and I need to mention that if you’re doing what I think you’re doing take note on the 13th page. There is a concoction on it that will protect you. ~ Roger

I swipe my finger to the page mentioned in the email and see a potion for protection against unwanted pregnancy. Tapping the screen, I look at Cassi. “We need to find the ingredients now.”

We stand up when the waiter comes with our drinks.

“Ah is there something wrong?” he asks.

“We have an emergency,” Cassie replies as she puts her purse strap over her head and settles it crossways on her hip.

I pull at a hundred-pound note and hand it to the man. “Here, that’s more than enough to pay for our drinks.”

Placing my hand on her lower back, I guide her towards the exit and out to the car. Making sure she’s safely inside, I go around to the driver’s seat and climb in.

She looks at me in disgust. “What in the hell is eye of newt?”

I laugh. “Relax, it’s mustard seed.”

“Then just say that!!”

I start the engine and put it into gear. “She was an old witch in an even older time, they used words like that for a lack of a proper name.”

“Fair enough,” Cassi nods. “Okay. So, what does eels scales mean?”

“Exactly what it sounds like.”

“How do you propose we find an eel?”

“Easy, we go to an alchemist.”

She looks dumbfounded for a minute before lifting her head. “Of course, why didn’t I think of that.”

Chapter 16

C assidy

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