Page 24 of The Summons

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“Aside from controlling the wind and sometimes weather,”— I shrug. — “You shoot ice from your fingertips.”

As she brushes dirt off her glorious jean clad ass, she asks, “What happens when we become one? What happens to me?”

“You will shoot electrified bolts of ice. Lilith wasn’t alive when lightning was first harnessed as an electric current. Therefore, she never had a use.”

“Hmm, okay. So, between the two of us, that will destroy her for good?”

“According to Mickle, it will.” I start walking on the path towards the hotel, hoping she follows. Thankfully she does without a gripe.

As we walk in silence, I peek into her thoughts and find she’s weighing the pros and cons while she silently curses me for blocking her chances at having a baby. As we break clear of the forest she pulls on my sleeve.

“Yes?” I ask.

“How do we combine our powers?”

I ram my fingers in my hair, then rub a hand down my face. Steeling myself I take a deep breath and say, “The night of the blood moon is a lunar eclipse. The earth’s darkest shadow, is called the Umbra and when the moon falls within it, it will turn red within the umbra, hence why it’s called the blood moon.”

“Cool. Thanks for the astronomy lesson.” She rolls her eyes, and says, “Now, do you mind answering my question?”

I’ve dreamt of this moment, to the point I could taste it and here I was acting like a teenager about to kiss my first girl. “When the moon is blood red, we will need to perform an act of love on the altar... in the castle ruins.”

She crosses her arms in front of her chest and leans on one leg. A defiant stance if I ever did see one. “Whom am I to have sex with that time? Just you or more vampires?”

I shake my head. “Just me.”

“Okay. I need to think about it.”

I stood there and watched her walk away towards the hotel. I never had to be afraid of losing her all these years. Until now...



I shove the hotel door open and head directly to my room. Only to find my key isn’t working. Of course it isn’t, Cash welded it shut. I glanced down the hall both ways and when I saw no one about I pointed my index finger. A blast of frost hits the lock but does nothing. His words echo in my head to try again. “Shut up,” I mumble. “I’m mad at you remember?”

I flatten myself against the wall as a couple approaches giving me weird looks. “Hi.” I smile as they scurry past without saying a word and I wait until they start down the stairs. “Get the hell out of my head Cash!” I say as I point my finger at the lock again. This time, a wand sized bolt of ice slices into the metal like a hot knife in butter. “Ooops,” I mutter as the remains of what was the lock clang to the floor.

Pushing the door open, I make a beeline for the bed and flop on it, burying my face in a pillow. I can’t believe Cash would put a stop to me having children. Looking back, there were many times my ex couldn’t get it up. Now I knew that it was Cash cockblocking him.

But that didn’t bother me. I’m glad I didn’t have kids with him. I never wanted to see his face again. What bothered me was the agony of going through everything only to be told it was my fault.

I roll onto my back and realize that Cash never showed me my future if I didn’t help them. I stare up at the ceiling asking myself how bad could it really be, when I spy a fly crawling around doing fly things; then suddenly stops directly above my head. I watch as it grows before my eyes to the size of a fat bumble bee. Now, at this point I’m rising inch by inch, slowly sitting up in disbelief because like I said, this thing just grew at least five times it’s size. And then it exploded. But not what you would think. It exploded into a whirling vortex of thousands more, and they were coming at me.

I jump off the bed as the door slams shut and feel myself thrown back onto the mattress, pinned by an unseen force. I dare not open my mouth to scream for fear they will fly right in. I can do the only thing I know how... scream in silence and hope like hell Cash hears me.

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