Page 94 of Ben

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The way those words settle over me makes a mortified laugh escape my lips. “Jesus.”

“You’re telling me. Even Jesus isn’t safe here,” he says softly and then smiles at me.

“Wanna go see something cool?” he asks, suddenly standing up.

“As long as it’s not dead bodies, yeah, let’s go.”



Cash is about to blow a gasket, and not in a good way. Ben isn’t answering his phone, and we have no clue where he is.

“Told you I wanted to put a tracker on his goddamn phone.”

“Yeah, and I told you to go for it and then you said it was too insane. You literally contradicted yourself and talked your way out of it.”

Cash folds his arms across his chest and glowers at me as I sip noisily on my grape soda. I mean, we both decided to calm down on the fucking because we knew that we needed to give Ben some time to figure out what he really wants out of this. We need him to be all in, to tell his father the truth, if this is going to continue. And honestly, Dean showing up scared us a bit. What if we’d been in the middle of bending him over the table? How could we have explained that away?

I don’t fucking know, and now we’re both trying to play it cool.

Much to my disappointment. I don’t play anything cool.

“We both decided to chill and now he’s out there probably getting it from someone else.”

I roll my eyes. “He wouldn’t do that. He’s not like that.”

“He’s young and horny. We didn’t give it to him, and now he’s discarded us.”

“Yeah, well, we will give it to him. We just wanted to cool it for a bit and give him some time,” I say and then frown at Cash, who looks like he’s about to explode.

“Yeah, we cooled it and gave him too much time, and now he’s gone.”

I sigh and then pull him into me, feeling him relax against my body the longer I hold him.

“Come on, let’s…I don’t know, let’s fix up the sex shed while we wait for him to get here. We can plan all the things we want to do in it.”

Cash snorts. “Jesus, I thought that was a joke when you called it that.”

“Well, it was, but now I’m seriously considering the validity of having one. Plus, I think Ben would like to have one too. A nice little kinky room.”

Cash considers it and then sighs. “Fine, yeah, let’s go rip shit up. It will make me feel better.”

And it does, for the both of us. We’re knee-deep in sawdust, creating a table in the shed when Ben appears in the yard, looking plastered off his ass and slightly wobbly.

“What the hell?” Cash mutters as he moves toward him, pulling him into his arms. “How much did you drink?”

“I had an entire wine cellar full of wine. And it was good wine. Expensive,” Ben slurs, wobbling slightly. “Also, I took an Uber here and the guy smelled like weed.”

He giggles slightly, and I frown. I can almost feel Cash’s entire body rumble with rage at this information.

“Where were you?”

“At a mob boss’s house. He has sheds out back too. But he cuts people up… Angel told me.”

“What mob boss?” I ask, thinking he’s joking, but it’s only when he utters the name Anthony that my blood runs cold.

“You’re not to go there again,” Cash says, picking him up and bringing him inside the house. I follow closely, watching as Ben wraps his legs around Cash’s back and starts to lick his way up his neck.
