Page 93 of Ben

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“Pfft. He’s such a controlling boob. Maybe he’ll come with us. He could share my tent.”

Angel giggles again and then settles down on a lush chair, gesturing for us to sit too.

“No, he’s not gay. Sorry to burst your bubble.”

“Trust me. I can get anyone to turn.”

I doubt that he’d be able to turn someone like Anthony, but who the fuck knows? Tatum has his ways.

“Well, good luck. And I hope you’re both hungry. I’m having the cook bring us some snacks,” he says and then turns toward me. “I hope that’s okay. I know this can all be a little much.”

“Oh, it’s fine. It’s just different. But different isn’t bad,” I pipe up, wanting to make sure he’s comfortable. He seems like he’s in need of friends. I can’t imagine how lonely it must be for him to be trapped in this mansion all fucking day long. Although he has a jungle at his disposal and a cook.

“You’re right. Different isn’t bad,” Angel says, his blue eyes flashing. “I heard all about your love for different things.”

I eye Tatum, and he shrugs. Well, apparently my secrets aren’t as safe with him as I thought, but really, who’s Angel going to tell? The plants? Anthony?

I doubt he’d give a fuck.

“Yeah, well, it might all be over,” I say with a shrug.

Tatum rolls his eyes, but Angel leans forward. “Why?” He looks so serious and so goddamn sweet that I spill the beans. The entirety of the can. Right out here in the open. It’s a full on barbecue. I obviously can’t be trusted. They should lock me away for safe-keeping.

Halfway through my blathering about my guilt and my mom and my insatiable horniness, Tatum wandered off, stating he needed to use the bathroom, but he’s been gone now for at least thirty minutes. He’s either taking the biggest shit in history or he’s gotten lost.

“I think he’s riling up my dad,” Angel suggests, and I shift in my seat. Because isn’t that dangerous? I mean, seriously, only Tatum would do something so stupid. “It’s easy to do. Diablo does it all the time.”

I’ve heard that name before, but I can’t remember where. “Who’s Diablo?”

“My twin brother,” he says and then shakes his head. “Anyways, don’t worry. My dad knows we’re friends. He won’t take him to the shed out back.”

My face falls, and Angel sputters. “Really, he’d never do that. It was a poor joke. Oh god, this is why I don’t have friends.”

“No, no, you’re fine,” I lie and then reach out and pluck some more grapes from the charcuterie board the cook made us. The cucumber sandwiches he supplied are also delicious and don’t get me started on the salami.

God, I miss salami. Specifically the human kind.

“I’ve never seen a human salami,” Angel says, and my eyes widen at that.

“Excuse me?” I ask, not believing this—both the fact that I said any of that out loud and that Angel is a virgin. Well, I mean, Icanbelieve it because look at who his dad is. But my god, he has to be at least twenty-something, and he’s absolutely gorgeous. If he went to a club with me, he’d be propositioned immediately. I’d have to bat them all away.

“My dad’s a bit overprotective.”

I lean forward, fiddling with my cup. “Would your dad let you go out if you’re with friends?”

“I don’t know, but I sure would like to be fucked.”

The way he says it, so honest and innocent makes me nearly choke. “Yeah, I mean, you’re missing out, man.”

He nods and sighs. “One day. One day, I’ll take it in both ends at the same time. Like you.”

I stare at him and lean back with a smile. “It is really fucking nice. Getting your brains fucked out of you.”

He sighs, a dreamy look in his eyes. “I can’t wait.”

I pause and then lick my lips. “Have Tatum take you out, bring a bodyguard or whatever, but live your life.”

Angel considers it for a minute. “I don’t know. I’ll have to weigh my options. I’d hate for my dad to find out who fucked me and then cut them to pieces.”
