Page 107 of Ben

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“Don’t know. Don’t know if we deserve it. If we deserve him.”

Ford presses his forehead to mine, and he grabs on to my shoulders with both hands.

“I deserve you both. And I plan on keeping the two of you until I die.”

His lips slide across mine, and I feel my eyelashes flutter.

“We’re drawing a crowd,” I say.

Ford smirks. “Don’t care.”

“They’re probably wondering what’s going on.”

“Let them think whatever they want.”

Ford wet his lips and his eyes fall to my mouth once more and before I can even blink he’s on me, his lips pressed to mine. I tilt my head and let him lick salaciously into me, our bodies pressed into each other’s for a long-drawn-out minute before he finally pulls away. Ben appears at our side and he reaches up, pulling me down slightly so he can kiss me too. I moan into his mouth and am left chasing his lips as he pulls away and presses his mouth to Ford’s.

Fuck, I want them. I love them.

I can’t imagine my life without either of them in it.

If I could, I’d marry them both tomorrow. I know that sounds insane when several weeks ago, I wasn’t sure if I was even into men, but now, after being with them the way I have, I can’t imagine ever being parted from them.

When we finally all pull away, our chests heaving, our eyes glazed over with lust, I see a group of people watching us and whispering.

Well fuck.

“Think they know now,” Ford says with a goofy grin.

I turn and see my parents watching us, a frown on both of their faces.

I’m sure it has less to do with me being with a man, and more to do with the fact that I took the attention off of them this evening. I caused a scene when I was raised to be not seen and not heard. I was just a trophy for them to parade around when they felt like it. The rest of the time, I went ignored. The only time I ever felt seen was when I was with Ford.

He always saw me.

And now I have Ben, who is pressing his hand against my chest, his head resting on my shoulder.

He’s perfect.

The song changes and the three of us don’t move away from each other. We just press in further, our bodies rocking back and forth, our heads pressed together.

“What do we do now?” Ben asks, and Ford and I both lean down and press a kiss to his cheeks at the same time.

“I say we go get another drink,” Ford replies, and I nod.

“Could use another drink. And then let’s go inside and see if we can find a place to make out. I just want to kiss you both for a while.”

Without hesitation, we all start to move, making our way to the bar where we wait for our drinks to be made. We’re still touching, as if we can’t stand to be apart for too long.

I glance over and see Ford whispering something into Ben’s ear, and I wonder what he’s saying. But before I can ask, my mom finds us, her lips pinched in annoyance.

“Hello again,” I say, moving my gaze from her to the bottles lining the shelves behind the makeshift bar.

“That’s all you have to say? You could have told us you were bringing your boyfriends.”

Ford smiles widely at her, like the shit he is. And I love him all the more for it.

“Didn’t think to tell you,” I say, and my mom narrows her eyes at me.
