Page 85 of Tempting the Maiden

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“Kiss the bride, you fool.”

Oh. Gladly.

Still, I was so dumb struck, I was slow to move. A damn good thing Marian reeled me in and kissed me. Deeply. Passionately. Heartily.

The crowd broke into applause, cheers, and wolf whistles, but I didn’t care. Not with my soul exploding with joy.

“We really get to be together?” I whispered between kisses.

Marian chuckled. “Miracles do happen.”

I tuned out everything but her after that, though I didn’t miss the crowd’s reaction to the king’s final announcement.

“Good people of Nottingham, I believe a feast is in order. What say you?”

The crowd broke into jubilant cheers. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robynne throw her arms around Daniel. Not far from them, Willa and John kissed. The Merry Men had never looked prouder, and Cyril and the guys from the abbey beamed. I spotted Robert and Bess next, still staring at each other as if that joyous explosion was for them.

And maybe it was. Well, for all of us — everyone, including every citizen of Nottingham. The day we’d dreamed of had finally arrived.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Oh, Tuck…” I panted as he moved over me.

Morning light streamed in the window, highlighting his bare back…rear…legs… Okay, bare everything. I was just as naked but far less composed, because the things he did to me…

“Yes…” I cried out when he plunged deeper.

Tuck groaned just as loudly, and I nearly shushed him. Then I remembered there was no need. We were in bed — our new, very own bed, in a private chamber high up in the castle — and those walls were thick. So, we could make all the noise we wanted — or needed.

Yes, need, because after all the danger, doubts, and uncertainties of the past days, we needed this moment to bond. Permanently. The unicorn bond had been the first step. But Tuck had promised me a mating bite, and I needed it badly.

“Yes…” I jammed my hips against his.

Every nerve in my body trembled with pleasure and desire. Pleasure from the way he moved inside me, and an overwhelming, greedy desire for more, more, more.

“Tuck…” I cried, arching against him.

He bent, kissing my neck between breathless thrusts. Seeking…

Close… So close. I sensed his lion guiding him.

Blood whooshed through my veins so forcefully, each rushing beat registered in my ears. The pulse in my neck hammered against my skin, calling to him. Right here…

Tuck paused, making eye contact. I nodded — a more ladylike option than clawing his back and screaming, Yes! Now! Please!

Tuck moved so fast, I didn’t even see him dip. One moment, he was looking at me, and the next—

Fangs gouged my skin. The flash of pain was so brief, it only primed me for the rush of pleasure that followed. A hot rush, like a kicked-over bonfire that sent embers tumbling through my veins.

I clamped one hand over his rear, pinning his hips to mine, and the other around his head, desperate to keep him close.

Possessive lion growls sounded in my head, accompanied by images from Tuck’s mind. I saw a beautiful woman beside herself in wanton pleasure. A goddess, practically, whose love made him swell with pride and satisfaction.

Which meant that couldn’t possibly be me. Except it was. I was, at least in Tuck’s eyes.

“You are a goddess,” he whispered breathlessly.

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