Page 116 of Obliterate

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We all drop our chins thinking about our fallen brothers.

Hurricane bangs his gavel on the table. “If Houston wanna head out, grab some grub, then NOLA will go over the details of what we’re doin’ next.”

Houston walk for the door, but Zero spins back. “Take care of Six,” Zero demands, a tone firm in his voice.

Hurricane weakly smiles. “Nothin’ but utmost respect, we promise, brother.”

Zero walks out behind the rest of Houston Defiance, and they close the door, the remainder of us exhaling collectively.

But Hurricane is quick to speak, “Okay, we all know what went down, and we’re all doin’ a great job of savin’ face. We just gotta get through this next part. We’re on the home stretch, brothers. We go to The Plantation to the walk-in freezers, get the Baroness to witness Six’s body, and then we should be free of her. This is gonna work. Ithasto work.”

We all sit quietly, taking in this massivedeal with the devilwe’ve succumbed to.

We are the pawns in her game, and we’ve played right into her damn hands.

How did it come to this?

“So, when do we move?” I question.

Hurricane clears his throat and bangs his gavel. “Right fuckin’ now. I’m gonna go call her and get her ass over to The Plantation, and we’ll be there when she arrives.”

My stomach churns at the thought this could play out in so many different ways. You never know how the Baroness is going to spin shit.

That bitch makes me nervous.

Everyone files out, but I figure I need to talk to Hurricane before we head into something that could turn sideways for us again. When everyone is gone, his eyes linger on me as I approach.

“Pres, can I grab you for a brief second?”

He glances to the doorway, like he’s in a hurry, but then stops and nods. “Eveythin’ okay with Ingrid?”

Rolling my shoulders, I have no idea how he will take this, so I figure I will just come right out and say it. “She’s doing good. A little anxious about her surgery but otherwise good.”

“So then, what the fuck is this about? Because if you haven’t noticed, we have somewhere we need to be?”

“I know, but in case shit goes south while we’re out, I want you to know.”

He tenses, tilting his head. “Fuck… what have you gone and done?”

“I claimed Ingrid last night,” I blurt out, figuring it’s the best way to get it out there, like tearing off a BandAid.

He’s quiet momentarily, his jaw ticking from side to side. Then he lets out a long exhale. He grips my shoulder, his fingers digging in tightly, so tight it’s almost painful. “You’re in this now… you must be fuckin’ serious to claim her. But if this is what you both want, then I’ll have Storm make a property patch for her. But Iswear to God,South, you fuck her over at—”

“I know, straight to the bayou.”

He chuckles, nodding his head. “Damn straight. All right, game faces on. Let’s go settle this with that bitch.” He slaps my back, and we walk out of the Chapel together, Ingrid watching us as we leave. I subtlety nod to her with a small smile and instantly see her body relax. She knew I was going to talk to Hurricane about us today.

I’m glad he seems to be more accepting of our relationship.

As a club, we all make our way out of the clubhouse, casually nodding to Houston as we go. They’re staying behind while we go deal with this. Though you would think they’d have to be wondering why we’re all going to deal with only two of their men. But luckily, they haven’t asked any questions, and we’re certainly not giving any answers.

We take off in formation, headed for The Plantation.

My leg aches like a bitch, but Hoodoo gave me some solid painkillers to knock the edge off. So I’m able to walk properly, at least. The lump on my head feels like it’s getting bigger, but I’m ignoring everything right now because we have to get this shit done and fucking dusted.

We jump on our rides, taking off out of the clubhouse gates. The wind whips at my hair. Somehow, the breeze causes me to feel calmer. We’re going to settle things with the Baroness. To finally get out from under her damn clutches. She holds the cards in this relationship we have with her.

We carried out the fucking sin of a task she bribed us to do.

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