Page 115 of Obliterate

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Then he comes so hard that each time his cock jolts, shooting ropes of cum inside me, a new warmth fills me, causing another orgasm to build. The added sensation and the fierce look in his eyes pushes me over the edge once more, my body still humming from the first orgasm. I close my eyes, stars dancing behind my eyelids as I pant for breath.

Using the tie, I pull myself up, falling into him and capturing his mouth. I release my hold, making quick work of the belt around his hands. It barely slips free, and his hands ravage my body, pulling me closer.

I pull back, resting my forehead on his, getting lost in his gaze and panting for breath. “Thank you for this, for trusting me. After today, after seeing you injured and hearing you could have died… and losing Grudge, I-I just needed to be in control of something.”

His hands smooth out along my hips, sliding up my back tenderly. “You can take control of me anytime you like. But you need to grieve, Ingrid. It’s been a huge day for everyone.”

Sliding off, I roll onto my back on the bed beside him, a sticky, sweaty mess. He shifts, resting his head on his hand beside me and looking down at me, his fingers trailing up the center of my body. “I don’t know how I’d get through all this shit without you.”

He leans in, pressing his lips to my temple. “Let’s make it so you never have to find out.”

My eyes meet his. “What does that mean?”

His eyes focus, full of intent, as he stares into mine. “I’m claiming you right here, right now. And I’m not asking if you want to be an Old Lady again. I’m telling you. You’remine. I can’t let you go. No matter what anyone thinks, or says, or does… alligators included.” I let out a small laugh, but he continues, “I love you, Ingrid. You’reitfor me. I don’t care about the age gap, I don’t care what people think, I don’t care that you’re going through menopause and we won’t be able to have kids. All I want is…you!So… you’re my Old Lady, got it?”

Pursing my lips, hearing him talk to me like that is both highly romantic and demanding at the same time, but somehow, it’s such a fucking turn-on that I don’t even mind that he’s not giving me a choice. Because even if he did, I would have jumped at being his.

“Then I guess as your Old Lady, I have to consummate our relationship. You know, just to make it official.”

His eyes bug out of his head. “Again? Now?”

I chuckle, sitting up, pushing him onto his back, and kneeling over him. “You think because I’m older that you’re going to wear me out? Oh no, never. I have stamina like you wouldn’t believe. So buckle up, baby. Your Old Lady is only just getting started with you tonight.”

He grins wide as I grab his wrists and pin them above his head. “Fuck, I love you.”

“Love you too. Now shut up and let me ride your face.”



The Next Day

To say we’re all a little hungover emotionally, physically, and, of course, from actual alcohol would be an understatement. We’ve had a huge couple of days. We’ve lost men, good fucking men, and I don’t even begin to know how we come to grips with that fact.

My night with Ingrid helped ease the pain for a moment. Claiming her made a piece of my soul that was missing feel complete. But there’s still work to be done. There are battles ahead that we need to face. My beautiful angel’s surgery is in twelve days, and we need to be prepared for that, let alone our meeting with the Baroness today to tell her what went down.

I don’t think any of us are ready for the victory lap she’s going to perform around New Orleans—the fucking cunt of a woman.

She put us in this position.

We’ve managed to dig ourselves out without Houston suspecting.

Maybe wewillcome through this unscathed.

For now, though, LA has just left, and Houston is hanging around as we figure out how to get their fallen men back to them safely. We sit in the Chapel, the sore heads and somber mood hitting us today, all celebrations seeming to have passed.

We won, but it feels like we lost more than we gained.

“Wraith is recovering but will be fine. But there’s no way he can take a plane ride back to Houston. He can ride with Keith and Six in the van back via transit,” Zero states, taking the leadership role for Houston once again for the interim until Wraith is back on his feet.

“All right, sounds like a plan. We will prep the bodies for travel. You guys sit back and relax at the clubhouse. You were here as a favor to us. Your men died on our watch. Let us handle this while you recover before your travels back to Houston,” Hurricane states.

Zero nods, his head hanging low. He’s defeated, devastated, and completely shattered. “My men will take the time to rest, and we will take up your offer on the bodies. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

Hurricane dips his chin at Zero. “Again, so fuckin’ sorry for your losses, brother.”

“Yours too,” Zero states, referring to Grudge.

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