Page 104 of Obliterate

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I slide in next to Jesse, slapping his face to bring him around. “Prospect, wake the fuck up!”

His eyes blink a few times, and he lets out a small cough. “I’m good, maybe a little concussed. But I’m good.”

Suddenly, something slams over the back of my head. Instantly, I see stars as I face-plant it straight into the dirt beside Jesse. I stretch out, trying to reach the gun I dropped, but my head is fogging as I roll over onto my back. As I open my eyes, Jesse slams his fist into a soldier, another smashing a piece of wood from the exploded log cabin into Jesse’s rib cage. Jesse lets out a huff, but he reaches down and grabs the wood, yanking the soldier toward him, then head-butts him with so much force both their heads begin bleeding. The Bratva asshole can’t handle the hit, and he collapses to the ground beside me while Jesse continues to fight the other soldier.

I roll to my side and grab my gun from the ground, finding my strength. As I aim the gun between the asshole’s eyes, the soldier looks at me in a daze.

“Goodnight,” I growl, then pull the trigger.

The asshole’s head jerks back, blood pooling in the dirt beneath him as I turn to see Jesse single-handedly grab the gun from the soldier’s holster, pull it from his waist, and use his own gun to shoot him three times in his chest. The soldier stumbles back, blood pooling from his mouth, but he still tries to raise his other gun toward Jesse to fire one last round. Fortunately, Jesse is too quick, bringing up the gun, aiming for the soldier’s head, and firing a single kill shot. His body jerks, rotating and falling face-first into the dirt.

I let out a small chuckle as Jesse wipes the sweat from his brow, then turns to me, placing his hand out. I grab hold, he hoists me up from the dirt, and then I slap his back in thanks. “You did all that with a concussion, prospect?”

He shrugs. “Adrenaline will do crazy shit. Pretty sure you’ve got a concussion now as well,” he states.

Rubbing the back of my sore head from where that asshole hit me with that plank of wood, I pull my hand back to see blood.Fucker got me good.But Jesse got him back, so I’ll chalk that up to a win.

Jesse takes off, heading for more Bratva.

My head’s still slightly rattled, but I must keep focused.

I race for a cabin where Hurricane, Bayou, and Hoodoo are battling it out with the Bratva. It looks like they’re getting overrun, so I race in, my guns drawn, and I start shooting at the Bratva soldiers. I hit one, and another spots me. His eyes narrow as he jumps from the rafters, lunging for me. I shoot, but he’s moving too fast, and the bullet lodges in his bicep. He doesn’t stop, landing on me and tackling me to the dirt. We roll as the others keep fighting, bullets spraying everywhere. Fists flying in different directions.

We come to a stop, a sudden click sounding beneath me. My eyes widen, knowing we’ve tripped a booby trap, and the damn soldier laughs, grabbing me by my cut. The asshole yanks me forcefully, pulling me to the side, activating it as we continue to roll.

“Defiance! Booby trap,” I scream as a wave of flaming arrows are sent from one cabin across to the other.

Hurricane, Bayou, and Hoodoo duck and weave, trying to dodge the arrows. One narrowly misses Bayou as it catches on his cut, ripping through the leather and setting it on fire. He quickly pats at the fire with his hands to put it out as another arrow lands in the back of a Bratva soldier who was fighting Hurricane. The soldier yelps as his back bursts into flames, and he runs off screaming, his hands flailing in the air as he goes.

I don’t have time to focus on the rest of the guys because the soldier on me lands a blow to my face—like I needed another knock to the head—but I can’t let this guy get on top of me. I have far too much to fight for waiting for me back at home.

I shove forward with intent with everything I have. The soldier is knocked to the ground, and I spin, bringing my fist up and slamming it into his eye socket. He grunts as I pull back and slam another punch into his face. His lip splits as he brings up his hand, his gun aiming at my head, but I duck out as he pulls the trigger right by my ear. My eyes roll around in my head at the loud blast. My ear buzzes, disorienting me for a second, just enough for him to regain strength and punch me in the ribs. I let out a gasp as I hunch over. He reaches out, grabbing my hair in his hand, forcing me toward the dirt as he places the butt of his gun on the back of my head. “You put up a good fight, Defiance scum,” he jeers.

But I’m not done with him yet.

I grab my knife attached to my ankle and swipe it up against his arm, holding his gun. Blood pisses out, and his gun drops to the dirt beside me. The asshole lets go of my hair, reaching to grab hold of his deep wound. I jump to my feet, blade still in hand, and I reach out, grabbing his hair this time as tight as I can.

I walk around behind him, forcing him to his knees. “You put up a good fight,Bratva scum,” I growl back at him, then stab my knife into the side of his neck, puncturing his jugular. His blood pools over my fingers while I rotate the knife for emphasis, making me feel like maybe we can win this thing. He gurgles, blood pooling from his mouth as he struggles to breathe, slowly drowning in his own blood. I pull out the knife, his hand rushing to his neck as I bring my foot up and kick his back so he falls face-first into the dirt. His body jerks a few times, and then I know he is dead.


Wiping my hands on my jeans, I glance up to see Bratva soldiers climbing the cabins to gain high ground. My stomach tightens when I recognize their tactics.

They can mow us down like damn flies if they gain height advantage.

I race to try to get to Hurricane.

This fight is far from over.

My euphoria from a moment ago is now gone.

It’s like we’re not even making a dent.

We kill one Bratva—two more assholes appear from the cabins.

They’re coming out in waves, and with the booby traps, we’re sitting ducks out here.

I run, trying to find Hurricane.

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