Page 103 of Obliterate

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The element of surprise is gone.

We need to get up and take this fight to them the best way we can.

Hurricane moves to stand, Six jumping up with him. “Defiance, we have to move. We’re on their home turf, and they have the upper hand, but we’re fuckin’ angry. We have that fire inside us. Remember, they hurt what’s ours. So we need to make them pay…you with me?”Hurricane cries out.

We all stand, throwing our fists in the air. “Yeah!”

“Then let’s go get these fuckers,” Six orders.

We all yell out a war cry as we race for the front entrance through the brush that’s on fire from the explosions, the leaves flickering up into embers as we race past them, one unified front. We fan out into groups so we’re not all sitting ducks, running in for them to mow us down in one go. Running, guns up, waiting to approach any of the Bratva, but there’s no sign of them as we run into the camp, where the cabins are located. We slow down, brothers cautiously approaching the main area.

Suddenly, Jarred, Houston’s prospect, steps on something. It makes a click sound, and we all stop turning to look at him. His eyes widen as Six raises his hand, signaling Jarred to halt his movement. “Prospect… Don’t. Fucking. Move.”

We all glance down, and I spot little indicators in the ground beneath us. “It’s some kind of booby trap,” I call out.

Jarred begins to pant frantically. “What the fuck do I do, Pres?”

Six begins searching. “We’ll find something to replace the pressure, a rock or something. We’ve got you!” Six states and we all carefully begin looking.

But before we can begin searching, the doors to the cabins fly open, and the fucking Bratva rush out, guns drawn.

“Fuck! Bratva!” I scream, and everyone turns just as they start shooting.

Bullets ricochet off the wood of neighboring cabins as I bring my gun up and return fire. The Bratva are clearly trying to hunt down Hurricane. My promise to Ingrid is clear, so I raise my gun, my bullet slamming straight into the chest of one of the soldiers, the other trying his hardest to get to Hurricane.

But Jarred is spooked by the fight headed his way and pulls out his gun, taking off from the booby trap. The second his foot leaves the mechanism, I expect it to explode, but instead, a wireline descends from the roofline of the cabins, slicing at headline.

“Duck!” I scream as loud as I can over the noise of the bullets.

Everyone turns, seeing the wire coming, full speed for them, except for Keith, who is in a hand to hand with one of the Bratva. We all tense as the wire races straight for them.

“Keith!” most of Houston calls out to their other prospect.

The Bratva he’s fighting spins him, and he turns, his eyes spotting the wire, and they widen, but he doesn’t have time to duck before the wire slices his head off at the neck. The Bratva ducks as Keith’s blood splatters all over him. Keith’s head drops with a thud, rolling across the dirt as the Bratva lets out a small laugh, then carelessly hurls Keith’s lifeless body to the dirt next to his decapitated head.

“You motherfuckers,” Jarred screams out, taking off after the Bratva as we all storm forward, watching our damn step as we go.

I take off, chasing a Bratva soldier, the fight well and truly underway. Brothers all in one-on-one combat as the Bratva keep filing out of the cabins and attacking. I slide around a corner, dust flying up in the air as I skid to a halt.

Three Bratva turn to face me.

I’m outnumbered.


I bring my guns up, one in each hand, but they just smile, knowing I can take out two,maybe,but the thirdwillget me. I take a step back as they stalk toward me when suddenly, the middle one’s blood splatters all over my face. It shocks me for a moment as he falls forward. I reach out, catching him when the other two turn behind them as Hurricane and Bayou race forward, each shooting the other two in quick succession, their bodies ricocheting back with the bullets pummeling into them. They flop like rag dolls as I drop the middle one to the dirt.

Hurricane and Bayou step up to my side, and Hurricane grips my shoulder. “If you died, Ingrid would never forgive us. Don’t fuckin’ die. That’s an order!”

“Ingrid doesn’t just need me to come back. That woman needsallof us. You also need to make it back in one piece, but… thanks for the save,” I throw back at him.

He tilts his head like he’s impressed I’m standing up to him, and then he takes off without another word. Bayou smirks as he follows his twin back into the fray.

Taking a deep breath, I steady my shoulders, then head back out into the fight, knowing my brothers have my back. I run through the camp's main street, my gun up, aiming at any Bratva I see. I race past Wraith, who has a soldier in a chokehold, and I can’t help but smirk, knowing he’s getting off on the thrill of the kill.

As I continue to run and shoot, a loud explosion rocks the side of one of the cabins. Defiance brothers fly through the air in response. We all duck when they hit the ground with a thud. Neon frantically pats at his jeans as they’re on fire while Grudge shakes his head from the intense fall. And it looks like Jesse is out cold from the hit to his head.

Someone obviously set off another fucking booby trap.

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