Page 24 of Binding Fate

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“I missed you too, but how do you know about this place?” he asked as he closed the door. They continued as they traversed back toward town square.

“Did you think that I wouldn’t know where my son spends most of his days?”

“Well, it never really occurred to me before.” Alzerion laughed as he walked arm in arm with his mother. In an instant he felt Melinda stop. When he turned to face her, he could make out the lines of worry crease her forehead.

She stooped toward him and cleared her throat. “Alzerion, why are you helping Ulbrick?”

“Mother, I didn’t have a choice,” he said in a low tone. He glanced around before continuing. Then he sat at the nearest wooden bench and motioned for Melinda to sit, too. “He kidnapped Aironell, and it was the only way to save her.”

“What do you mean Aironell?” Her gaze narrowed. “You never really spent much time around girls, but I’m not complaining. Is she your girlfriend?” she asked with a gleam in her eye.

“Mother, no, that would be wrong. Aironell is only six years old. She’s the princess. Don’t you remember?”

“Oh, right, yes, of course,” she nodded. “Well six would be too young for a girlfriend.”

“Don’t worry about it. I bet most of the town has forgotten her by now.”

“You’re probably right.” Then her eyes widened. “Wait, does Ulbrick have her?”

“No, she’s some place safe. For now, at least.”

She looked at him, her eyes narrowing.

“What’s wrong?” Her hand pressed his chin upward to scan his face, as a whole.

“Nothing,” he shrugged as he stood up.

“You’re lying to your mother,” Melinda stood next to him. “There is something missing. You seem like you’re not really there.”

“I feel fine. What do you mean … missing?”

“Look around. Here in town you see it. Life is happening. Over there you can see a young couple having a picnic. By the lilac bushes outside the café, you can see the owner and his wife squabbling. Alzerion, I’m concerned about your lack of a life. You’re eighteen and I don’t see that you’ve started fulfilling your basic needs.”

Alzerion felt a warmth around his ears. He swore that they probably turned a slight pink color. He gazed around. People looked happy. Why didn’t he? He couldn’t really tell her. He hated when these conversations came up. He knew what she was going to say.

“Mother, I assure you that I’m perfectly content. There is nothing more that I need or want, right now.”

“That’s not true, honey. However, I’m talking about love. You know, possibly a wife that will someday give me grandchildren.” She grinned as she sat on a marble seat outside the flower shop.

Alzerion looked at his mother and saw the yearning in her eyes. “Mother, I don’t know. Most women bore me. There isn’t anyone that I have met that I’m interested in.”

“I’m sure they are not all bad, honey. You need to at least try. You can’t go through life without a companion.”

“Why not? I don’t need someone. I don’t need a woman.” His face was flushed and he could feel it creep across his cheeks. He would give anything to end this conversation.

“Alzerion, a woman you love should be like your other half. They are meant to be a partner.”

“Let me see if I understand you. If I don’t find a woman, then I’ll be messed up?” he asked between gritted teeth.

“Well, I guess for lack of a better word, yes. You lack a source of happiness and inspiration. Dear, don’t look so skeptical?”

“I’m not sure if I agree with you, that’s all. I think it’s all a bunch of nonsense.” He crossed his arms across his chest.

“Alzerion! I know I didn’t raise you to be so pessimistic.” His nostrils flared. She was pressing his last nerve.He spent most of his life with the royal family, not her.“Nobody knows why but the bond between two lovers, well, it is strange. It brings out a different side of you.”

“How could you not know?” He kept gazing down at his boot tapping incessantly against the stones. “You’re married, so you must have some clue.”

“There is something you must know, dear. Your father is very different than when we first were together. He has become a changed man, determined to do whatever he pleases.” He heard the sadness in her tone.
