Page 68 of The Orc Queen

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It’s times like these I wish Igor was near. I could use him as an inbetweener and facilitating the conversation. Right then, my babies kick. My hand goes to my right, and I feel a bump. I can’t help the smile. They are so overzealous. I bet they are ready.

I am ready for you too, my little orcs.

“Is that the babies?” Masa’s voice makes me almost jump.

“Uh, yes.” My eyes find hers.

It is back to awkwardness when I don’t know how to proceed. Does she want to feel them? Should I offer? Is that too forward? She’s probably just asking. I drop my hand from it, and she goes back to her food. The lunch is awkward and silent again, but I am determined to try so I stay.

Loud and heavy footsteps echo in the corridor and they seem to be running. Masa seems to be hearing the same thing, her ears tick a few times.

A spring comes in and Masa is already on her feet.

“Queen, you have to come.” He pants heavily.

Before I ask, Masa is out of the door, no questions. My heart accelerates and I find myself on my feet trying to follow them.

By the time I get to the corridor, they are already going out into the assembly. I walk towards the assembly. Something doesn’t feel right. I feel uneasy and my palms feel clammy.

I see the gathered crowd and their heads are focused on something. By the time I make it to the assembly everyone is dispersing like whatever they were here to see is gone.

When I step into the light, several eyes avoid mine. I don’t know what that is about, but I ignore it. I spot Hani on Owa’s side. As I start heading to her, something catches my attention in my peripheral and it stops me dead in my tracks.

My feet move on their own, my head spinning but I am trying to hold on to my wild thoughts.

“Where is Igor?” I demand from a beaten up Zod as Faz helps him walk. Zod is limping. And they both look like they have just fought with sharp stones and the stones won.

Both of them look at me but they don’t answer. Their mouths hang open. They don’t need to say anything. It’s in their eyes. I emit a scream that comes from my very soul.


“Where is he? Did they take him?” I shove Faz and he doesn’t budge.

A firm hand touches my shoulders, and my eyes meet Masa’s concerned ones. “Where is he? Do you know?”

Her frown deepens before she says, “He’s alive.”

It doesn’t sound like she is convinced either, but because I need it to be true, I hold on to her words for dear life. I rub my little orcs.

He’s alive. He is still here. Don’t you worry.

“Then where?” I look up at Masa even as she is blurry.

“They took him.” Zod says, making me turn speedily to him.

So, it’s real, the Sokos took him. The confirmation doesn’t make things better. Orcs who have been taken by them never return.Oh Goddess.

My hands cover my mouth as tears threaten to melt my whole face and I am trying to keep the despair at bay. But he is alive, that is all that matters.

“The Sokos took him. When?” I need to know.

Faz and Zod look at each other like they haven’t told me everything.

“What is it?” I ask in annoyance.

“It wasn’t the Sokos.” Zod says guiltily.

“What?” Masa asks next to me.

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