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Shit, I don’t think I have ever felt this way about anyone before.

By the time she takes her last bite, I suck in a sharp breath, preparing myself for what’s next. I know she isn’t going to like it, but I need to say it anyway.

I clear my throat gently, breaking the comfortable silence that has settled over us. “It’s time for you to bathe,” I said, my tone gentle yet resolute.

She scoffs at the thought. “You’re going to bathe me? You are joking, right?”

“Lily,” I begin, my voice gentle yet firm, “last night reminded us that we can’t afford to let our guard down. You tried to run away, and almost escaped, and after what happened, I can’t risk leaving you alone. None of us can. We can’t lose you now. Not at this pivotal moment.”

She meets my gaze, her eyes a mixture of understanding and reluctance. Her vulnerability is palpable, a stark contrast to the vibrant spirit she usually exudes. “I can’t shower alone?”

“I know it’s not ideal, and it might feel like your freedom is being restricted further,” I continue, my tone softening as I seek to bridge the gap between us. “But after your attempt to run, I have to ensure your safety as well as the safety of everyone involved.”

The room is steeped in a tense silence, the weight of our conversation hanging between us. I can see the conflict within her, the struggle to reconcile her desires with the stark reality of our circumstances. I wouldn’t want to be bathed either, but I also didn’t run.

“I don’t regret trying to run,” she barks at me. “Even if I was punished for it.”

“You were punished?” I snap back. “We didn’t discuss that.”

A pinkness stains her cheeks which adds way more mystery to this. I want to know what Colt did to her, but I don’t feel like she will say anything.

“Yeah… so I guess I would like to be bathed.” Her change of the subject puts me on edge. Whatever Colt did must have been so bad that she’s willing to strip down in front of me. But I can’t focus on this because it’s my job to bathe her.

“Okay, so come with me then. It’s time.”

I peel off her chains, preparing myself for a punch that doesn’t come, and I lead her to the bathroom, making sure I only offer her a gentle touch.

Once the water starts running into the bath, the atmosphere in the room shifts. A delicate tension hangs in the air as I set about preparing everything that she might actually need for a wash. The soft light filters through the window, casting a warm glow that envelopes the room. The scent of soap and warm water begins to fill the air as the water shimmers with the soft glow of the room.

“Okay, it’s ready now. It’s time to get in.”

Lily glares at me, making me turn around while she undresses herself. The door is locked behind us, so I know she won’t run anywhere, so I don’t really know why I’m nervous. My heart is absolutely pounding against my rib cage, making it hard for me to breathe. There’s a tremble racing through my body as I can sense her taking her clothing off behind me.

“Are you ready?” I cry out once the tension gets too much for me. “Can I turn?”

“Can I at least get in the water first? Or am I allowed no dignity whatsoever?”

I wait until I hear the splash in the water before I finally turn to see her. Most of her body is covered by bubbles, but that doesn’t stop the nerves from zig zagging right through me. Luckily, Lily’s eyes are closed so she doesn’t see me watching her.

“You know what’s weird?” Lily’s voice breaks through the silence, jolting me from my thoughts as I’m about to settle on to the toilet lid. “You guys are all so different. I can’t imagine you being friends. I don’t know how you managed to form a pack.”

“What… what do you mean?” I stammer back, not sure I want to hear this.

“Well, Ryker and Colt, they are the embodiment of strength and resilience. But something underneath their gruff exteriors seems to mask them, protecting them.”

I can’t say much about that. I mean, I know she’s right, but I don’t know how much they would like me to talk about them behind their back to our captive.

“But Novak, on the other hand… he’s the gentle soul of the group. He’s been really nice to me. Making me feel comfortable in this horrible situation.”

I purse my lips tightly together, refusing to say a word. I might seem like I’m strong and in control of everything, especially when I’m charging at her with a gun and demanding that she get in the car… but there’s so much more to me than that.

“You though…” Her eyes snap open and she stares at me, like her eyes are boring into my soul. “I don’t know much about you, Maddox, which is strange since I’m naked here in front of you.” She giggles and blushes all at once which sets me on edge. “Tell me about you.”

“What do you want to know?” I shift uncomfortably. I’m not used to talking about myself and it isn’t a position I like to find myself in much.

“Everything. I want to know all about you.”

Oh God.“Erm… well I’ve always had this thing for painting.”

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