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“Hiiiii!” Sabrina ran to Vicky, enveloping her in a huge hug the second she and Ryder stepped through the door of Cheryl and Warren’s apartment. “Thank God you two are here. Warren won’t stop talking about his retirement portfolio, and Noah’s too polite to say anything.”

The petite blonde stood on her toes to give her brother-in-law a peck on the cheek. “Oooh, Ryder, I like the five-o’clock shadow thing you’ve got going on.” She squinted at him. “You think Noah could pull it off?”

“No,” Vicky and Ryder said in unison. Sabrina laughed.

They walked on through to the living room where the others were deep in the investment conversation Sabrina was trying to avoid. Cheryl lit up as soon as she saw them. “There you are!” She kissed them each on the cheek. “So? How was it?”

Vicky bit back the huge smile that practically wanted to burst out of her. “I think it went pretty well. Ryder?”

He rolled his eyes, the side of his mouth curving up. “It was amazing. Of course, it was amazing.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” Now she beamed.

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his side, kissing the top of her head. “I expected no less.”

They had spent most of the day at the Art in the Park opening events—a dozen separate happenings around the city—and in all five boroughs—giving kids from toddlers through teens the opportunity to make art. Foundation staff was collecting detailed data on attendance, age ranges, and which locations and art media proved most popular so they could improve their model for the future dates. But it had already been clear the undertaking would be an enormous success. Vicky couldn’t wait to start planning for the next phases of the project. And Ryder, who had taken on a role as one of their main artists-in-residence, was clearly in his element out working with the kids.

She looked over at him, looking so much more like himself than he had this time last year in a black T-shirt and jeans, dragon tail snaking down his muscular forearm, hair just a bit long and just a bit unruly. He was at ease here in his parents’ home in a way he hadn’t been since they’d been kids. The year had been good to both of them.

“Well, that’s wonderful.” Cheryl smiled. “I’m so happy for you both.”

“What’s that?” Warren finally stopped talking about annuities long enough to notice their arrival.

“I was just telling our son and his lovely girlfriend how glad I am their arts initiative is taking off.”

“Oh. Well, yes, yes. That’s very good.” He came around the sofa to greet them but stopped when he saw Ryder. “Is that what you wear to family dinner?” He eyed the tattoo winding out from under his son’s short T-shirt sleeve with open distaste.

“Yeah, Dad, I guess it is.” His eyes sparkled with mischief.

Warren groaned but shook his hand, then planted a kiss on Vicky’s cheek. “I don’t see why you feel the need to put your artwork onto your body, that’s all.”

Maybe she just wouldn’t mention the little princess crown Ryder had designed for her. It wasn’t anywhere anyone else was likely to see it anyway.

Noah came around with a warm hug for her and a collegial slap on the back for Ryder. She was never, never ever going to get tired of seeing them act like, well, brothers.

Vicky looked over and caught Ryder’s eye, raising her brow slightly in a silent question. He nodded.

“So . . . we actually have some news.”

The room went silent.

Sabrina grabbed Noah’s hand, her eyes darting excitedly between Vicky and Ryder. She actually squealed as she bounced up and down. Noah wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Easy, sweetie, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Sshh! Let them talk!” she hissed.

“Oh my goodness.” Cheryl’s eyes had misted over. “Oh! You’re getting married, aren’t you?”

Ryder glanced over at her. “Uh . . .”

“They are! I knew it! They are!” Sabrina was full-on jumping now.

“You kids aren’t going to pull another rushed wedding, are you?” said Warren. “Damn near drove Cheryl crazy last year trying to get the invitations out.”

“No,” began Vicky. “Actually, we—”

Cheryl all but tackled her into a soggy hug. “Your mother would be so happy for you, Victoria.”

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