Page 3 of Birthday Boy

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Half of his face pulls into a smirk. “Love you.”

“I love you, sweet boy.” I blow him a kiss through the mirror and then cover my mouth to hold in the sob as he shuts the door. God, I know I’m ridiculous. As I head back to the house, I’m proud of myself for holding in my tears. It’s been over a decade of first days of school. You’d think it would get easier.

After parking, I climb out and make a note to call the gardener to trim the lawn as I head up to my front door. I look around the quiet house, and the loneliness comes back in a roaring ache.

It’s been nearly ten years since my husband passed away, but the hole he left in our lives hasn’t grown smaller. The insane amount of money we received from his work accident allowed us to live comfortably, I didn’t even have to get a job. But it didn’t replace the empty side of my bed, it didn’t replace the sorrowful look on my son’s face when he watched other kids playing with their dads at the park.

Stripping off the sweatshirt, I move into the kitchen and start to clean up the mess from breakfast. I usually keep the house tidy; it became easier as my son grew older. Less toys were scattered around, instead it was stinky football clothes and equipment.

I’m just finishing loading the last of the plates into the dishwasher when I hear the knocking. I shut off the water and pause, making sure it isn’t a figment of my imagination. The doorbell goes off a second later, and I peel off the gloves and head to answer it.

Opening the door, my eyebrows furrow in bewilderment at Cole standing on the other side, his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. I just dropped him off at school less than an hour ago. “Did you forget something? I could have brought it to you.”

He shakes his head. “I’m eighteen today.”

“I know,” I say, still confused.

His tongue glides across the back of his teeth. “I’m eighteen, and the only thing I want for my birthday isyou.”

I blink, words failing to escape my mind as I try to comprehend what he’s saying.

Cole exhales loudly. “There’s only been one woman I’ve fantasized about, and before I leave for college, I want to have her at least once. Please.”

My breath catches. “Are you–what are you saying?”

“I’m asking you to fuck me for my birthday,” he rasps, the husky tone sending shivers up my arms.


Hermouthhangsopen,her beautiful brown eyes are wide as she stands frozen. I move closer, pushing us both through the open door and shutting it softly.


She flinches, and she stumbles away from me. “This is.. this is inappropriate. You’re a child.”

“I’m eighteen,” I state, giving her a pointed stare.

“You weren’t yesterday. And I’m almost two decades older than you!” she snaps angrily.

With a huff, she turns and walks towards the kitchen, her hips swaying and long dark hair swinging as she mutters under her breath animatedly. The tight tank top and leggings she has on display her full figure.

I follow her, determined for her to hear me out. “It only has to be one time. No one will know.”

“I will know, Cole! I will know, and no matter what you may think you are, I’m the adult here. It’s not happening.”

Her furious eyes turn to me, and my cock hardens further. I haven’t ever had her full attention like this. It’s usually in addition to whatever she is doing for Jensen.

“Just once. I’m not above begging,” I say, moving forward slightly as if to not startle her. “It’s only ever been you. Every time I wrap my hand around my cock and close my eyes, it’s you that I imagine.”

My chest aches with how hard my heart is pounding, I know I’m taking a risk talking to her so crudely. But I can’t stop the words as they tumble out of my mouth.

Her face flushes. “Cole.. we can’t. You’re my son’sbest friend.”

I control the smile that threatens to break across my face. She didn’t mention my age again, but instead, the main consequence if we were ever found out. I’m not sure exactly how Jensen would react. A hopeful part of me thought he would be happy it was me instead of anyone else, but I knew that was a delusion.

“I know. And I never want to hurt him, but I have to have you.” I plead, uncaring how desperate I sound.

She huffs out a laugh. “Hurt him? This would devastate him.”

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