Page 95 of Dark Desires

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'Valentina,' a voice startled me from behind.

When I turned a figure stepped out from the shadows. Tim pushed his phone into his pocket before stepping close to me as I backed up against the bin.

'I've been waiting for you. You shouldn't have ignored me.'

Fear crept up my spine as I was sandwiched between him and the skip.

'When did I ignore you?'

'When you started being a slut with the tattooed guy.'

Logan. He was jealous of Logan? I wasn't even aware he knew Logan existed.

'You used to be there for me every night. I wasn't asking for much. I let you ignore me and knit or read. I just wanted to be there.'

My mind raced as I worked to make his words make sense.

'Footguy? Tim, are you Footguy?'

'Yes.' His face was pained as he reached out and stroked a shaky hand over my cheek. 'I just wanted to see them. But he took you away.'

'Did you send me the screenshots? The roses?'

'I sent you the flowers, but you gave them away. That hurt.'

'I'm sorry,' I said, my voice quavering.

'But he sent you the screenshots. The other guy.'

'What other guy?'

'He paid me to make a hole in our wall, my bedroom backs onto yours, and he made me install a camera so he could see you.'


'When you came back from your trip. When you let the man fuck you on camera. He said he needed evidence that wasn't from the cam site. And I was so mad at you. I did it.'

My hand shook as I reached into my pocket, but my phone wasn't there. I'd left it inside.

Shoving past Tim, I made a run for it, pleased when his footsteps didn't follow me. Looking back over my shoulder, he just looked crestfallen. With a thump I ran straight into someone, but before I could see their face, a strong smelling cloth pressed against my face. Flailing, I fought against the arm around me, kicking and punching as my vision blurred. I slumped in my attackers arms as the world dipped to black, Tim's sad face the last thing I saw.



An incessant buzzing woke me up. Shit, I’d slept in late.

Sitting up, I grabbed my phone and smiled when Valentina’s name popped up, a little cherry emoji beside it.

‘Hey, baby girl,’ I said into the receiver.


My brown furrowed as the voice met my ear.

‘Who’s this?’

‘It’s Lara. I need your help. Valentina is gone.’

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