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“I don’t know how, but if there’s anything I can do, then of course I’ll help you.”

“Oh thank you. Meeting you has been the best Christmas gift ever.” Brooklyn wrapped her arms around Ada’s waist.

The speed and ferocity of a child’s love is amazing.Less than twenty-four hours together and we’re already BFFs...

After perusing the shoes for thirty more minutes, Arlo joined them. “We should head out if we’re gonna do the Snowman Building Contest.”

“Sounds good, I’m ready,” Brooklyn replied.

“You don’t want to buy anything?” Arlo asked.

“No, I just like looking.”

“Wow, I’m shocked.”

Brooklyn rolled her eyes at her uncle before pulling him toward the door.

As they approached the town square, Arlo pointed toward a table that said “registration” above it. “I’ll sign us up if you guys want to wait here.”

Ada nodded, then asked Brooklyn, “So, what exactly do we do in a Snowman Building Contest?”

“Well, I read online that each team has twenty minutes. First, we run to the clothing station to pick out the snowman’s outfit. Then, we have to build and dress the snowman. When the time is up, the judges decide which one is the most creative. I think you should choose the outfit since you know fashion the best.”

“Well, you definitely have good taste so I’m going to need your help.”

Ada had always avoided kids because she wasn’t sure how to act around them. They seemed unpredictable. But, she was beginning to see their unpredictability wasn’t always a bad thing.Brooklyn keeps surprising me in so many sweet ways.

At that moment, Arlo walked over. “Are you guys ready for this?”

“Yeah!” Brooklyn clapped.

Rubbing her mittens together, Ada nodded. The temperature was around thirty degrees, which was much colder than she was used to in Los Angeles.

“We’re supposed to go stand by the number 5 sign." Arlo pointed up ahead as they walked toward their area.

“Hello everyone!” A man’s voice rang out of a mega phone. “When I say go, you’ll have twenty minutes to create your snowman. I’ll let you know when you have five minutes remaining. On your mark, get set, go!”

At that moment, ten teams raced toward tables with clothing and other random items strewn about.

“What should we be looking for?” Arlo yelled, in order to be heard among the music and the chaos.

“What do you think about doing a summer snowwoman? I found this grass skirt,” Ada hollered back.

“I love it! Look, here’s a swimsuit!” Brooklyn held up a bright pink triangle bikini top.

“That’s perfect! Now we just need some items to make the face.” Ada looked around for smaller pieces.

“I’ll look for sunglasses,” Brooklyn chimed in.

Arlo straightened, watching teams running to a snow pile. “I’m gonna start making our snowwoman.”

“Good idea.” Brooklyn agreed.

“I’ll search for some supplies over here.” Ada pointed to an area filled with rocks, buttons, beads, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Upon spotting a bag of seashells, she snatched them up just as Brooklyn ran over showing her the yellow sunglasses she found.

“Those are perfect! I think we have everything, let’s go beautify this snowwoman!” She and Brooklyn took off toward the area where Arlo was hoisting a second snowball.

“I just have to make her head,” Arlo said, kneeling in the snow.

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