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Ada and Arlo just nodded.

“Would you rather sneeze out cheeseburgers or eat cheeseburgers that someone else sneezed out?”

Ada burst out laughing.

Arlo chuckled. “What?”

“We’re playing Hot Topic, remember? That’s my next question,” Brooklyn said matter of fact.

Chapter 3


Thankfully,therestofthe ride into town was light-hearted and surprisingly, fun. They were still discussing if it would be worse to have to lick the bottom of someone’s shoe or take a bite of a ghost pepper when their Uber rolled to a stop.

“Well, I’m sufficiently grossed out,” Ada said, stepping out of the car.

“At least you stopped feeling carsick,” Brooklyn interjected.

“Oh, weirdly you’re right. Who knew talking about something disgusting could actually take away nausea?” Ada smiled at the nine-year-old that was beginning to feel more like a younger sister.

Suddenly, Brooklyn shrieked.

“What’s wrong?!” Arlo snapped his head toward her.


“We really need to discuss what’s scream worthy.” Running a hand through his hair, he motioned for Ada to go first as Brooklyn skipped into a shoe store. Ada pursed her lips together, holding back a smile.

After entering, Brooklyn headed toward the girls section but then abruptly stopped. “Uncle A, I saw some sick Jordans over there.”

Arlo narrowed his eyes at her. “I sense that I’m not wanted.”

Brooklyn looked at him innocently. “I just want you to be able to look at your shoes.”

Arlo shrugged and headed to the men’s department.

Ada followed Brooklyn to a display with a variety of boots.

“Those are cute,” Ada commented as Brooklyn picked up ones that were somehow furry and sparkly.

“Good, we got rid of him,” Brooklyn said quietly. “I need your help.”

“Everything okay?”

“Can I tell you a secret?” Brooklyn whispered.

“Umm… yeah, of course.”

She motioned for Ada to sit next to her on a nearby bench. “I think Arlo really wants to take that job in Brazil. He only turned it down because of me. I don’t want to hold him back.”

Ada shifted her weight. “I don’t think you have to worry about it. I can tell he really likes being here with you.”

Brooklyn let out a breath. “I know, but… he left his tour thing early to take care of me. I don’t want him to miss out on something else because of me. I have to think of a way to get him to go. I can tell you’re super smart, can you help me?”

The look of sincerity and desperation on Brooklyn’s face hit Ada like a truck. “Oh boy,” she said finally. “I’ll try to think of something.”

“So you’ll help?”

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