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“Heath!” I scolded.

Owen grinned. “No, it’s okay. I respect that. And I will heed your warning, sir.”

“Are you guys dating or something?” Hannah asked.


Owen looked at me for guidance.

“We’re very good friends…” I turned to him and smiled. “In quotation marks.”

Owen winked at me.

We ended up ordering sandwiches for dinner and eating at the table with the kids. I glanced at Owen over and over and wondered what the hell I’d been holding back for. This guy was the man of my dreams. I wished more than anything that he could spend the night, but it was way too soon for that, especially since my siblings were now on to us. There would be no easy way to sneak him in without their prying eyes catching it. They’d be watching us like hawks. I needed to set a good example, especially for Hannah. I needed to show her that you don’t rush into anything with a man, even if he’s an Adonis with a heart of gold.

Owen left after dinner, and the kids went to their rooms. Considering I’d gotten zero work done today, I decided to set up my laptop by the window, and at the very least, catch up on emails. I looked down at the calendar on my desk to get organized, and my heart nearly skipped a beat when I noticed a symbol in red placed more than two weeks ago. It should have been the start date of my monthly cycle. But I’d been so preoccupied with everything having to do with CPS, I’d missed that the date had come and gone with no period.

But relief replaced panic as I reminded myself that I’d used protection with Owen from that first time we were together, and it had been a while since Robert. The skipped period must’ve been stress-related.

A text from Owen interrupted my thoughts.

Owen: After I left your place, I went down to Billie’s and caught her just before she closed the shop. I decided to get my first tat—something I could remember today by. Do you like it?

It was a photo of his wrist.

My jaw dropped.

A set of tiny quotation marks.



Three days later, I still hadn’t gotten my period. I was starting to freak out, so I went to the drugstore and picked up an at-home pregnancy test. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. As I stared at the box sitting three feet away on the kitchen counter, I picked up the phone and called Mia.

“Hey!” she answered. “I was just thinking about you.”

“Because you miss me so much?”

“Actually, an intern just walked into my office and said, ‘You’re never going to believe who has a giant dick.’ Oliver and I switched offices last week. He’s always warm, and his office AC sucks. I’m always cold, and my AC is freezing. Anyway, the poor intern didn’t realize we’d moved, and he started talking before he looked up and saw me sitting at my new desk. The kid looked like he was going to shit his pants.”

“What did you say?”

“I demanded he tell me who has a big dick, of course. It’s some arrogant new artist we’re showing at the gallery. Apparently the intern couldn’t miss seeing it in the men’s room. The dude is five foot nothing with a beer belly and a bad toupee. At least now I know where the arrogance comes from.”

I laughed. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but why on Earth does that story remind you of me?”

“Oh. Remember when we first met and you were still living with your mother in that third-floor walk-up? She didn’t pay the rent, so they kicked her out. But she managed to find a sucker to let her move into the building right next door. It was a third-floor walk-up, too.”

I groaned. “Let me guess, you’re remembering the cereal incident?”

Mia snorted. “You took your jeans off and sat in your damn underwear on someone else’s couch, eating a giant bowl of their cereal. The couch wasn’t even the same color as your mom’s.”

I sighed. “That poor eighty-year-old man definitely changed the locks after he came home to that. But in my defense, we moveda lot, so it was hard to keep track of where we lived, and I hadn’t taken the old key off my keyring yet.”

“Anyway…what are you up to today?” she asked.

I’d called her for support, yet suddenly I wasn’t so sure I was ready to share what was going on. I was too freaked out to say the words.

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