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I turned to face him. “You knew that this was gonna happen when you came to my apartment?”

“Yeah, somehow I did.” He grinned. “Is that cocky of me?” He gripped my side. “Actually, no matter what happened, I knew I wanted to spend the day with you. I’ve learned not to get my hopes up, but I was pleasantly surprised with the way I was received.”

We smiled at each other. I felt a little in awe of this moment.

“What are you thinking right now?” I asked.

He leaned his forehead against mine. “I want to say something to you, but I really don’t wanna freak you out.”

“Tell me…”

“I feel like you’re everything that’s been missing in my life, Devyn.” I could feel his words against the side of my face. “I’ve told you I often feel like the odd man out around my friends, unable to figure out why I can’t achieve the kind of happiness they have. And I know now it’s because I’d never found the right person. I didn’t understand what was wrong until I found exactly the connection I’ve been missing—with you.”

My eyes started to water. “Why do you like me so much, Owen?”

Concern crossed his face. “Why do you even have to ask that?”

“I don’t know… I just feel like you could have any woman in the world, because you’re so damn good-looking and so gosh-darn sweet.”

He kissed my nose. “I’m trying to get the one woman in the world I want.”

“My situation is so messed up, though. It’s chaos.”

“Maybe a little chaos is what I need.” He smiled. “Devyn, before we met, I felt dead inside. Sometimes you can’t explain why someone is right for you. It just fits. When we’re together, I feel alive—chaotic in a good way. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything or need to be anywhere else. You’re the realest woman I’ve ever met. You’ve opened up to me about your perceived flaws, but I think you’re perfect. Even if yourlifeisn’t perfect,you’reperfect. Perfect for me, at least. And even if you tell me I’ve totally freaked you out right now and you’re done after today… Istillwouldn’t regret the time we spent together. You don’t owe me anything, understand? All we ever have is today and right now. I am enjoying this day more than any other day in my entire life, and that’s what matters. Don’t think about tomorrow for a second. Just be with me now.”

I caressed his stubble. “You’re making it difficult to imagine going back to California, you know.”

“Good. Mission accomplished.” He kissed me. “In all seriousness, though, don’t think about that right now.”

I nodded and heeded his advice.

Owen and I had sex two more times that day, and when the clock struck three, I knew we had to make this place look like it hadn’t been a sex den before the kids came home.

“Heath and Hannah will be back soon,” I announced.

“If we told them we were just casually hanging out in the middle of the day, do you think they’d buy it?”

“Well, unfortunately, Heath knows better now, but I don’t think it’s going to be a problem if they see you here.”

“So you don’t mind if I hang out?” he asked.

“No, in fact, I’d love it if you did.”

“Because I’m not ready for this day to end yet.”

“Me neither,” I said.

Owen and I showered together before we got dressed and made the bed.

When my brother and sister walked in around 3:45, you’d have thought Owen and I had been having a church service in here all day. Owen sat casually on the couch reading a magazine while I was across the apartment in the kitchen, preparing afternoon snacks.

That didn’t stop my brother from busting our balls anyway.

“Oh look! It’s Rubber Ranger Romeo.”

Owen tossed his magazine aside. “Give your sister a break, Heath. She works hard for you. She doesn’t need you teasing her.”

“You’re lucky I don’t hate your guts,” Heath told him. “I might be her little brother, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t kick your butt.”

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