Page 91 of The Toymaker's Son

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“No, I—” I mumbled.

“Do not lie to me.” Danger flashed in Vine’s pretty eyes. Sharp teeth gleamed behind his pink lips—lips I’d had on my cock.

I tugged against Claude’s hold, but his broad arms were immovable. Panic fluttered in my heart. What was I doing here? What had I done? I knew, didn’t I? I knewwhatthey were. The flash of sharp teeth, the shine of otherworldly magic in their eyes, and the taper to their ears. It was all so obvious now. Why hadn’t I seen it before?


Vine snorted and sauntered toward the bed. He tore off his shirt, exposing writhing, lashing tattoos that roamed and swirled across the handsome plateau of his chest. Those vines seemed as though they might have another purpose, such as wrapping me tightly, and I had no wish to be bound again.


“Stop, he says.” Vine laughed. Claude’s accompanying deep rumble trembled through me. “With the taste of your cum on my lips?Stop!How amusing, you are. Perhaps you should have thought to stop this before you came down my throat?”

“I didn’t know—”

“Such sweet lies.”

Claude lifted me off my feet and tossed me onto the bed, as though I were no more than a doll to throw around at their whim. I twisted onto my knees and lunged for freedom.

Ropes burst from the bedposts, lashed the air like whips, and encircled my wrists. They hauled me backward, splayed my arms, and bound me. A flash of white walls and the sound of my own screams filled my head. No, I wasn’t back there. “Stop! I don’t want this.”

I thrashed, but with every buck and twist, the ropes tightened. Numbness tingled my hands. That numbness spread through me. “Untie me.”

Vine propped both knees on the bed and reared up, so beautiful, so deadly, like a pale snake. “Your body says otherwise.”

“Please… stop.”

“Oh, do be quiet. Arguing is tiresome when we could all be enjoying far more pleasurable things.” Vine clicked his fingers and Claude began to strip beside the bed. “I do hate to repeat myself, but as I said, do not fret. Youwillenjoy this. You have no choice.”

I flung my head back and squeezed my eyes closed. No, this couldn’t be happening. What had I done? I’d just wanted comfort, to feel something real again, and these two had seen my weakness and known I’d be an easy catch.

A soft buzzing hummed above. I opened my eyes, and there was Hush, clinging to the overhead canopy. She clamped her wings closed and scurried to the bottom right bedpost, then spiraled down it and vanished among the sheets.

Hush, yes! Hush would stop them. She always came when I needed her.

Hush dashed out from the bedpost and scurried up my leg.

Vine recoiled with a hiss. “What isthat?”

“Trouble,” Claude grumbled.

Hush stopped on my heaving chest, spun in a circle, and waited.

I had no idea what she intended to do, but she’d helped me before. If Hush was here, I wasn’t alone. I smiled at her. Her wings buzzed.

“It’s just one bug,” Vine said with a disgusted snarl. He backhanded Hush off my chest. She struck the far wall, bounced to the floor, and lay upside down on the rug.

“You’ll make her angry,” I warned. She’d be all right. She was Hush.

Vine bared his teeth. “The day I take advice from a human is the day all is lost.”

Hush buzzed, hopped upright, and dashed toward the bed. She’d do to Vine what she’d done to Rochefort: burrow inside his skin, make him scream—

Claude’s boot slammed down and Hush’s tiny mechanical body exploded. Cogs and wheels scattered.


Vine’s hand slammed over my mouth. “Enough with the whining!”
