Page 90 of The Toymaker's Son

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“A dream, yes. That’s what this is,” Vine crooned, as though he’d heard my thoughts. His fingers danced down his shirt, unpicking the ribbon ties. A glimpse of a pale, smooth chest teased more to come. “Just a dream,” he whispered.

Claude’s hot hands skimmed down my arms. His breath burned my neck beneath my ear, his hips pressed against my ass. If I fell, they’d both catch me.

All I had to do was let go.

Surrender, Vine’s gaze demanded.

“Think of it as a gift,” Vine said while easing his shirt free of the low-slung pants, and now that I looked down, there was no missing how his figure-hugging trousers molded against the proud erection trapped within them. A splash of cold shame tried to yank my gaze away.

Vine was in front of me suddenly, his hand on my chin, holding me firm. “There is no shame in desire.” His gaze burned mine. The gold in his eyes swirled as though molten.

Somewhere far off, where reason and logic resided, I knew I was caught and that none of this was real or even right. Yet I could not pull away—didn’t want to.Surrender. While I was here, feeling Claude’s firm grip and watching Vine’s enthralling body, I wasn’t thinking about the horrors of the past few months or the fear that I’d been lost all along.

I wanted this. I wanted them. I wanted to fuck and be fucked. I wanted to forget how much the world hurt.

“Touch me,” Vine whispered in my ear, his words tickling. He caught my hand and molded my fingers over the bulge in his trousers.

Lust forced control from my head. I groaned a sound more animal than man.

“That’s right,” he approved, rolling his hips slightly, rubbing against my hold. To feel another man like this, and to be free of guilt, was a kind of freedom. A relief, even. Yes, I wanted this.

Claude’s jutting hardness rocked against my ass. I was trapped between them, my head spinning, my body ablaze, free-falling.

“We can take you away from all this,” Vine hissed across my lips, teasing a kiss. “Take you away forever. Would you like that, little puppet?”

“Yes,” I moaned, hot and aching, lost in desperation. I didn’t know what I was saying, just that I’d become a creature of need, consumed by the hunger to have them both in any and all ways. My cock throbbed, and my body sang. “Take me.”

Claude’s hand scrunched in my hair, yanking my head to the side, and Vine’s hot, wet mouth branded my neck. His tongue probed and suckled as his dick rubbed my palm and Claude’s protruding cock pushed at my ass. They were everywhere, crushing me between them. I needed to feel their skin on mine, to taste their sweet lips and fuck whatever hole they offered. This wasn’t like the bathroom stall, when I’d paid a man to get me off. It wasn’t like a fumbled encounter at a Massalia gentlemen’s club. This was unlike anything I’d experienced. I craved more.

“Adair will not be pleased if we take him,” Claude said to Vine. I barely heard the words.

“He is obsessed with the toymaker’s son. This one is of little consequence.” Vine’s smile was a thing of wicked delight. I lunged to kiss it, but he pulled out of reach and tutted. “Patience, little puppet. The night is long, and we have just begun.”

Claude’s huge hand dove around my hip and clutched my cock through my trousers, grabbing it tight. I bucked, hissed, and fought to control a rush of savage lust.

“It’s all right,” Vine purred, then slithered down to his knees. “Allow me to relieve you of your inhibitions so we might enjoy what is to come.”

What did he mean—

His lightning-quick fingers loosened my trousers. He plucked out my cock and licked from balls to tip while peering up at me with shining eyes. I freed a strange, strangled moan—all I could muster now that my words had gone. I leaned back into Claude’s embrace and gasped as Vine slotted me between his lips, then swallowed me down into tight, sliding warmth.

Oh, by heavens, this was surely witchcraft, and there would be a price, but I was falling and did not care. Any price, I’d pay it.

Claude’s fingers rode up my chest, beneath my shirt, and encircled my right nipple, then pinched. Darts of pleasure channeled through me and found my cock, buried deep in Vine’s throat, and now there was no stopping the approaching climax from spilling over.

“Oh gods!” I stuttered and spilled, too lost to control myself.

Vine grinned around my pulsing dick, then sucked off and straightened. “Not gods, but close.” He shoved at my chest, knocking me back into Claude’s embrace. “Now, he’s ours,” he growled, teeth sharper than before.

Claude’s muscular arms tightened, trapping me.

“Wait…” My rattled senses coalesced into something like alarm.

“Oh, little puppet.” Vine patted my chest, brushed his cheek against mine, and whispered in my ear, “We will fuck all the bad things away until there is nothing left, just Claude and me and your body, with no memory of who or what you were.”

Fae. I’d known, and I’d let them take me. But something had changed. These men were not men, and they were not here for me. “Wait, no.”

Vine pressed a finger to my lips. “Isn’t that what you want? To forget everything?”
