Page 31 of Dagger

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I tilt my head at her, smiling a little, and she pales, knowing I could land her in deep shit right about now. When Annalise was admitted, she fucked up big time, and she knows it. Cassidy shakes her head and says, "n-no, sorry, Mary." Our head nurse nods her head before giving my shoulder a squeeze. Cassidy squints her eyes at me, about to say something else, but is interrupted when Meghan purposely bumps into her, and I smirk.

"I'm sorry, did I just hear you threaten Melanie to stay away from a man who only fucked you as a punishment to leave you hanging after you decided not to inform his president of the condition of his woman, who had lost their baby?"

I bite my bottom lip to stop the chuckle as Cassidy's face turns red, but Meghan's not finished. "A little news flash for you, darling. He wanted her. He chased her. He's now DATING her. Not you. Her! So do me a favor and fucking do one!"

Cassidy looks at me, and I just shrug. Her face goes redder, but I ignore her and turn to Meghan. "Ready?" She smiles and nods, and we walk away from Cassidy, who looks ready to blow. If she were a cartoon character, then literal steam would be coming out of her ears right now.

Meghan links her arm through mine, and we head to the car park. Travis drove me this morning, and I told him he didn't have to, but he was adamant, so I headed to Meghan's white Buick with her, climbed in before she started the car, and headed to Parkville Nursery.

"I can't believe the nerve of that woman. If we weren't in the hospital, I would have smacked her. She should be grateful you never reported her after she failed to do her job correctly.

I nod and chuckle. "She's going to become a problem, but I know nothing will be done about her. Apparently, she's blowing the hospital's chairman; it's why I never bothered to report her."

She slams on her brakes before leaving the hospital parking lot, making me jolt forward before looking at me wide-eyed. "No way?"

I chuckle and nod. "Yeah. I've got a feeling my jobs just got harder because, no doubt, she'll run to him."

Her eyes widen more, if possible, "but he's 75."

I snort before laughing hard, all while she stares at me in shock.

"Fuck, that's gross." She finally said it before I burst out with more laughter.

She laughs before leaving the hospital car park and heading to the nursery to pick up her little prankster.

Twenty minutes later, I'm waiting in the car as Meghan goes in to get her girl, and my phone pings; I roll my eyes at the name programmed in my phone that I never entered before, shaking my head—fricking Travis.

My man- fancy meeting me at Sweet Treats after your park date? xxx

I grin.

Me- I'd love to. It'll be about an hour and a half before Meghan has to take Lilah to ballet. xxx

I put my phone away when I noticed Meghan returning with a beautiful little girl with bright hazel eyes and long brown hair in her arms. I quickly open the door for Meghan while Lilah smiles wide at me and says, "Mel-Mel." I grin back and say, "Hey, sweetheart, you have a good day at nursery."

She nods her head, and I smile. For the past few months, whenever Meghan FaceTimes the nursey or babysitter, I've been with her and bonded with the little darling. She's fricking amazing; Meghan has done so well raising her. She's got sass, cuteness, and boldness all in one—the perfect child.

Once Meghan gets her strapped in, we head off to the park for some fun time, where we spend more time than we should. The beauty loves the swings, I tell yah, and nearly two hours later, Meghan's dropping me off outside the bakery. I smile before turning around to say bye to Lilah, but she's zonked, and I chuckle while Meghan grins.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work." She nods, and I kiss her cheek before getting out. As she drives off, I walk into the bakery and stop near the doors. My mouth hangs open before I start to silently laugh. Travis and another man, who has hazel eyes and a man bun with short backs and sides, are standing near the counter as two women who don't even look old enough to drink stand before them, boxing them in. Both men look really uncomfortable as the women try to touch them. Now I know I should be pissed and go over to help them, but this is fricking hilarious.

I look back at Travis and lock eyes with him. He narrows his as mine shows amusement, and I swear I could hear him growl like a fricking dog fromwhere I'm standing. I can't contain it anymore; my laugh escapes as he moves past the woman, who frowns, while the other man's eyes widen at being left to defend himself. When he's close enough, he grips my waist, pulling me tightly, and I grin wide. It's only then that I realize his hair is down, and I instantly fricking melt. He's every woman's wet dream. I can't help it. I reach up and gently run my fingers through his shoulder-length hair, and he smirks at me before bending down to place one, two, and then three gentle pecks on my lips, making me hum in contentment.

"How was your park date?" He rasps, and I grin and say, "Amazing. I tell you, Trav, Lilah is fricking perfect, and Meghan's done right by her despite trying to go to school and struggling. And her sass." I shake my head. "She's going to be one little heartbreaker."

He grins back before asking, "Where's the kid, dad?"

I shrug. "It was a one-night stand, although she's told me several times about how it felt more like he was her soulmate or something. Someone she worked with and was friends with knew him, and the next morning, they bumped into each other when she went to answer a call in the hallway of the motel. They said he didn't do seconds when she gushed about how much of a connection they had, so she left heartbroken but then found out she was pregnant. Her parents kicked her out because she kept the baby, and she's been trying to find him since."

He nods and gives me a sad smile, about to speak again, but the other man interrupts, smacking him on the back, "Fucking incoming brother, they won't give up." Then he looks at me, extending his hand, which I shake. "Hi there, gorgeous, the name is Slicer. Do me a favor and act like a possessive girlfriend, not the woman who was ready to piss herself laughing watching her man uncomfortable with jailbait over there."

I bite my bottom lip while Travis snorts, shaking his head before smacking Slicer on the back of his head. "Don't call my woman gorgeous; only I can."

This time, I shake my head before really looking at Slicer. He looks really familiar—hazel eyes, brown hair, even a dimple on the left side of his cheek. Seriously, have I met him before?

I'm brought out of my head when some woman tries to touch Travis's chest. He grabs a hold of her hand just before making contact. I've noticed hestiffens when anyone other than me touches him. I know the signs of trauma, but by whom?

Slicer raises a brow at me. Shit, right, possessive girlfriend.

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