Page 15 of Dagger

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I squeeze his arm again before turning to leave when someone clears their throat, and Axel asks in a rasp, "What's your name?"

I turn and give him a gentle smile, "Melanie Wilson. If I hear anything else, I'll come to you straight away, but otherwise, if you need anything, I'll be around this area."

He nods again, thanking me, and I give him a smile, ignoring everyone else before walking out the door with my heart beating fast in my chest while some of my tears fall for the heartbreak this couple is facing, and I wipe them away quickly, damning my empathy for others.

Chapter 5


I watch the woman I want more than life itself, whom I feel an instant connection with, walk out without a backward glance and curse.

How could I be so fucking stupid to hit on her while fucking that other bitch?


"Axel?" I hear Star whisper, and I turn to see she's holding his hand while he stares after my nurse, his face full of pain, and I lose the air in my lungs.

"My baby's dead." I slowly close my eyes as his tears fall. "How am I supposed to tell her?"

I mutter, "Fuck," hating the pain in his voice, and grip the back of his neck, pulling him to me, ignoring the feeling of being dirty instantly by his touch while Star sobs.

Dead Shot stands next to him on his other side, gripping his shoulder with tears in his eyes, and rasps, "You hold her close. She's going to struggle for a while, son; she'll need you now more than ever, and you don't fucking let her push you away. We both know she will; she'll blame herself, but you don't let up; give her some space for a few days, then go all fucking in."

I feel him nod against me, and I squeeze him tighter to me before Dead Shot, and Star help me move him over to a seat. I sit right next to him with my arm over his shoulder, gripping him tightly to me. The feeling of being dirty intensifies, but I push it down for my Pres, my brother, my best friend.

The more his body shakes with silent tears, the more my anger grows.

I can't fucking believe that bastard kicked her baby out of her.

The fucker is a dead man!

I don't know how long we sat here, but Axel's tears had just dried up when Cammy came in looking distraught.


I go to stand, knowing it's still too raw to be near her when Axel shakes his head at me. "I know momma said some shit, and she will be punished for it, but please don't leave me alone with her right now. She'll try and take over, and I can't. I can't."

He can't finish his sentence, but I understand he can't fight her right now. I nod and stay where I'm at as she rushes over, her eyes watery.

"Any news?"

I clear my throat but don't look up. I don't want to talk to her, but I know Axe can't speak right now; his voice is already scratchy from his tears.

"She's having an MRI and head CT. Doc believes she has a concussion and a few cracked ribs. She was lucky."

She lets out a sob. "And the baby?"

I sigh and shake my head just as Dead Shot walks in. He sees his wife, and guilt shines in his eyes when he sees I'm the one having to talk to her for my friend, my president.

She lets out a wail, making Axel flinch, and I grind my jaw. I understand she's upset she lost her grandchild, but Annalise had just lived through her ordeal, most likely feeling the blood. Her baby left her body, and Axel has lost his child. I shake my head and look Dead Shot in his eyes, tilting my head toward his son. Understanding shines through his eyes, and he takes his wife's arm and says, "Baby, let's go outside; Axel doesn't need this right now."

Axel flinches some more while Cammy's eyes widen. "He's my son; he needs me-me." She's still sobbing.

"No, Cam, he doesn't, not when you are like this."

Her eyes widen some more at her husband's words, and she clears her throat, nods her head, and leaves the waiting room. We all sigh in relief while Axel physically relaxes against me.

Not even ten minutes later, Melanie returns, making my breathing increase and my heart jump in my chest. Fuck, she's beautiful. Her nurse's dress hugs her figure nicely, showing off the curve of her hips, while her brown curly hair up in a messy bun shows off her cheekbones. Her gorgeous blue eyes shine with sorrow for my friend. She heads straight toward him, not looking in my direction once, which pisses me the fuck off but also makes me proud that her focus is her patient and their family.

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