Page 39 of For Us

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As she skidded to a halt in front of Joe's house, Morgan knew she couldn't waste another second. She flung open the car door, her FBI badge glinting in the sunlight, and sprinted towards the unassuming residence. Banging her fist against the wooden door, she yelled, "FBI! Open up!"

"Joe Dancer, we know you're in there!" she added, attempting to sound more confident than she felt. But the silence that greeted her only fueled her growing sense of dread. What if he wasn't here? What if he was already out there, targeting another victim?

"Damn it," she muttered under her breath, her mind racing with possibilities. Was she too late? Had Joe slipped through her fingers again? She couldn't allow herself to dwell on the past mistakes, not now.

"Maybe he's hiding inside," she thought, trying to maintain her focus. But as she stood outside the silent house, an eerie feeling crept over her; something was amiss.

"Joe, I swear, if you don't come out right now, I'll break this door down myself!" Morgan threatened, knowing that time was of the essence. But still, no response came. Her pulse quickened, adrenaline coursing through her veins like fire. Every second that ticked by was another second closer to another life ruined, another family torn apart by this monster.

"Alright, you asked for it," she said, stepping back and preparing to kick down the door. As her foot connected with the sturdy wood, splinters flying and the door crashing open, Morgan knew that she couldn't afford any more mistakes.

"Joe Dancer!" she shouted, gun drawn as she entered the eerily quiet house. "You can't hide from me anymore!"

But as she searched the tidy rooms, her determination began to wane. Where was he? Was she too late? Or had she simply been wrong about Joe all along?

Morgan's heart pounded as the sound of sirens approached, her breaths coming in short, shallow bursts. She glanced over her shoulder to see several police cars pulling up at a breakneck pace, tires screeching as they came to a halt. Derik emerged from one of the vehicles, his face a mixture of worry and determination.

"About time you got here," Morgan said through gritted teeth. "I need you to break into this house. Now!"

"Roger that!" Derik replied, motioning for the other officers to follow him as they made their way to the door. The air was thick with tension, each officer fully aware of the stakes at hand.

"Ready?" Derik asked, looking at Morgan for confirmation.

"Stay sharp," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her own heartbeat. The team moved cautiously through the house, the only sounds their synchronized footsteps and the occasional creak of floorboards beneath them.

"Clear!" one officer called out from a nearby room, followed by similar affirmations from others as they searched. As Morgan stepped further into the living room, she couldn't help but notice the unsettling tidiness of the space. Every piece of furniture was precisely placed, every surface spotless, as if someone had meticulously arranged everything within an inch of its life. It was almost too perfect, too controlled—like a reflection of the twisted mind they were hunting.

"Derik," she whispered, her voice tense with unease. "This's too clean. Something's not right."

"Be on your guard," he cautioned, his eyes narrowing as he took in the unnerving scene before them. "Joe could be hiding anywhere."

"Or waiting for us," she added, her thoughts racing with possible scenarios.

"Stay focused, Morgan," Derik urged, his voice a steadying presence amidst the chaos of her mind. "We'll find him and put an end to this."

"Right," Morgan agreed, taking a deep breath as she pushed away her doubts. She couldn't afford any more mistakes; too many lives were at stake. Joe Dancer had evaded her grasp for too long, but not anymore. Today, it would all come to an end.

"Let's keep moving," she said, firm resolve in her voice as she led the team deeper into the house.


The sickly sweet scent of chemicals hung heavy in the air as Morgan and her team split up, methodically combing through Joe's house. Room by room, they found nothing but an eerie emptiness, a void where the man they were hunting should have been.

"Basement's clear," called out Officer Martinez, his voice echoing through the otherwise hushed space. "Just some storage down there."

"Keep looking," Morgan ordered, unwilling to accept that Joe had slipped through their fingers once more. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that they were missing something crucial, that the key to unraveling this twisted web lay just out of reach.

As the others continued their search, Morgan descended into the basement, her flashlight beam slicing through the gloom. She couldn't let it go; she needed to see for herself. She knew Joe too well at this point—every dark corner of his mind, every hidden secret. He was here, somewhere, lurking just beneath the surface.

"Come on, you son of a bitch," she muttered under her breath, scanning the cluttered space with renewed determination. Boxes and old furniture formed a maze-like network around her, each shadow harboring the potential for danger.

"Something's not right," she whispered, pausing mid-step as the familiar scent of chemicals intensified. Her pulse quickened, adrenaline surging through her veins as she realized what lay before her—Joe's makeshift chemistry lab.

"Derik, get down here!" she shouted, her voice cracking with urgency. "I found it."

"Found what?" Derik asked as he appeared at the top of the stairs, concern etched on his face.

"His lab," she replied, stepping aside to reveal the grim tableau. Flasks and beakers filled with viscous liquids sat atop a stained workbench, surrounded by scribbled formulas and ominous-looking equipment. A pair of latex gloves lay discarded nearby, their insides coated with a sinister residue.

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