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Monday dawned as a clear and chilly day without a cloud in the bright blue sky. Erin dressed warmly in boots, jeans and a baggy chocolate brown jumper then went down to the kitchen.

‘Morning Mum,’ she said as she helped herself to coffee from the pot then pulled out a stool at the kitchen island.

‘Morning, sweetheart.’ Her mum smiled. ‘How did you sleep?’

‘Really well, thanks.’ Erin nodded, although remembering the dreams she’d had made her blush. She’d been young again, a teenager, and she’d been with Leo. They’d been watching a movie, just like last night, and then somehow ended up kissing and one thing had led to another and… well, that bit hadn’t been PG.

‘You OK, now? You look a bit flushed. I hope you’re not coming down with something.’ Her mum’s brows met above her slim nose and Erin shifted uncomfortably on her seat. The last thing she was about to do was to share details aboutthosedreams.

‘I’m fine. It’s just quite warm in here.’ Erin fanned her face.

‘Yes, your dad has been busy baking.’ Her mum gestured at the trays of muffins and croissants on the worktop. ‘Hungry?’

‘Yes! And they look scrumptious.’ Erin got up and grabbed a muffin then returned to her stool and set the muffin down on a napkin. ‘So what’s the plan for today?’

‘Well,’ her mum said as she sat at the end of the island. ‘We thought we could go for a nice walk somewhere and get some air.’

‘Sounds good.’ Erin peeled the paper case from the muffin and broke a piece off. She put it in her mouth and chewed. ‘Mmm. This is good.’

‘Pumpkin and white chocolate I think.’ Her mum laughed. ‘Although I could be wrong because your dad was mixing so many flavours together this morning that it could be anything. It was like having Heston Blumenthal in the kitchen.’

Erin laughed. ‘I can taste pumpkin and white chocolate. They go well together.’ Erin sipped her coffee, washing the muffin down. ‘No one else up? Apart from Dad, I mean.’

‘Your sister was around here somewhere but I think she’s gone to have a shower. And I thought I heard Leo.’

‘You were right.’ Erin turned around to see Leo grinning from the doorway. ‘Sorry if I was a bit noisy this morning. I went to put my shirt on and I’d left one button done up and I got my arm stuck. Then I lost my balance and ended up staggering around the bedroom. Not a great way to start the day.’ He crossed the kitchen and stood next to Erin. He was so close she could smell his shower gel, some minty-woodsy blend, and the apple shampoo he’d used.

‘Oh dear!’ Erin said, looking up at him. His brown hair was still damp, and she felt an urge to reach up and touch it, to run her fingers down his skin to the collar of his checked shirt.

‘Ha! I didn’t actually fall over just did a kind of weird dance until I got my balance. Thankfully no one was watching although I am sorry for the noise,’ he said, looking at Erin’s mum.

‘It’s fine honestly. No problem at all. Are you hungry?’ Erin’s mum asked.

‘I am actually. Can I help myself?’

‘Of course.’

Leo got a mug from the cupboard then filled it with coffee and helped himself to a muffin. He was eating it when he came and sat right next to Erin. She had a piece of muffin in her mouth and she struggled to swallow it when his leg accidentally brushed against hers. She looked down at his muscular denim clad thigh and wondered if the worn denim was as soft as it looked. How she would like to touch that leg and…

Erin! Cut it out! Anyone would think you were sex starved.

Well… I am but that’s beside the point. This is Leo, my brother’s best friend, and I can hardly jump on him at the family Christmas gathering, can I?


She looked up and her mum was staring at her, eyebrows raised.


‘I was telling Leo that we fancied a walk today.’

‘Oh… yes.’ Had her mum spoken to her while she’d been ogling Leo’s thigh?Yikes!

‘Oh… yes… definitely.’ Erin turned to Leo and found him smiling at her. ‘A good walk in the fresh air is what we all need.’

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