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‘Hey,’ she said.


‘At least I didn’t drop the tray this time.’ A flush rose in her cheeks.

‘Accidents happen,’ he said.

‘Especially around me,’ she said, her blush deepening.

‘To us all.’

‘Thanks,’ she replied, looking at him shyly. ‘It’s nice to see you again.’

‘It’s been a while, right?’

‘Quite some time.’

‘I heard that you… uhhh… are back in England now?’

She nibbled at her lower lip before replying. ‘Yes. I came home earlier this year.’

‘Heat get too much for you?’ he asked, keen to offer her an out. He knew that her partner had cheated on her or dumped her or something similar, as Paul had relayed the story. But Leo had been caught up in his own grief and concern about his mum who’d been poorly and then passed away, so he hadn’t been able to absorb the full story.

‘Something like that,’ she said.

‘Are you OK?’ he asked gently.

‘I’m OK.’ She gave a small nod. ‘After all, it’s Christmas and I’m here with my lovely family and my dad is well so… you know… what more can I ask for, right?’

He inclined his head and pressed his lips together.

‘Oh my god, I’m so sorry!’ She covered her mouth with a hand as horror filled her eyes. ‘That was so insensitive of me.’

‘No, it’s fine. Please don’t feel you have to walk on eggshells around me. You’re right. It is wonderful that your dad is well again and that you get to spend Christmas together. Believe me, I’m grateful to be here with you all.’

‘I’m so sorry about your mum.’

‘Thanks. I miss her terribly but it was for the best in the end. She was so unwell with the cancer that her slipping away was the best thing for her.’ The lump in his throat made his eyes water. It was still so hard to talk about losing her. He’d thought that after losing Shelley, he’d be able to cope with anything, that grief would harden him but it hadn’t worked that way. The pain seemed to make him softer, weaker, more emotional rather than less.

Erin placed a hand on top of his and he looked down at where she was touching him. Such a basic gesture and yet so incredibly comforting. Human connection was important and it could help but he found it hard to admit that, even to himself.

‘I really am sorry and if you want to talk about her or anything at all, then I’m here to listen. Please… if I can help… let me.’

‘Thanks, Erin. You were always very kind.’ Even when she was much younger, Erin had made time for others, offering them warmth and time. She’d always been so compassionate.

‘Oh… thank you.’ She smiled shyly at him. ‘I don’t think my ex would agree with you about that but then I do wonder if he even noticed me half the time.’ She sucked in a breath as if surprised at her comment and Leo wanted to offer her a hug. Quite badly. But doing so in front of her family and after not seeing her for so long would seem a bit strange, so instead, he turned his hand and took hold of hers and gave it a squeeze.

‘I’m here anytime you want to talk too.’

He gently brought his hand back and wrapped it around his goblet with the other one and noticed that she did the same, cradling her wine as if it was an anchor to cling to.

‘Life can be hard, right?’ she said, her eyes wandering to the fireplace.

‘It can be very hard,’ he said softly. ‘But there are many good things too.’

In the glow from the fire, her skin was golden. The light brightened her hair that flowed over her shoulders like spun silk and he wondered what it smelt like, what it would feel like if he ran his hands through it. She had always been pretty but now, in her late twenties, she was beautiful. She was no longer a girl, but a woman grown and Leo felt like he was seeing her properly for the first time.

He raised his wine to his mouth and took a sip. He wasn’t sure if it was seeing her after so long or because the wine was strong, but he suddenly felt very sentimental. Goodness only knew what would happen if they decided to put a Christmas movie on. He’d end up a blubbering wreck most likely. But he also had a feeling that Erin would be right there next to him, offering him comfort and consolation. And something about that made his heart flutter as if there was something locked in there, yearning to be freed. It was funny how some people could have this effect upon you, even when you hadn’t seen them for years, as if a part of you was waiting to be reunited with them again. As if the connection between you had always been there and could be roused like a spark in a fire when the time was right.

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