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There was such a thin line between love and hate, and while I was certain I didn’t love him, what I felt for him right now was definitely not hate either. It was something in between. Something unfathomable and intense. Lust.

I flushed when his gaze fell on my lips. I’d disappear into the ground if he knew how much I’d enjoyed kissing him.

He opened his arm for me, and I looped mine through his. Despite his onyx wedding suit, heat from his body seeped into mine and simmered in my stomach as he led me to the guests on our right. There weren’t much people for someone with a reputation like his. I was relieved since I didn’t do very well with the crowd. Still, I was curious. “The guests are way less in number than I thought.”

“I decided to keep it simple.”

I blinked at him. “Because you were afraid I’d cause a scene?”

“There’s a war looming between the Bratva and Cosa Nostra,” he said with a deep voice that made me shiver. “It’s best to keep things simple at a time like this.”

We’d reached one of his brothers before I could think of another question to ask. I was crazy if I thought Nikolai was terrifying because the man standing in front of us looked like he’d been unburied from the Arctic.

He had the same dark eyes as Nikolai. Only his were didn’t glint under the sunlight, and they much colder. He was taller than Nikolai by a few inches, with broader shoulders and a more athletic build. Still, the resemblance between them was uncanny.

He was handsome in a way that could give male models a run for their money, and he dominated the entire landscape without even trying. His expression was frozen, and I couldn’t tell if he was happy to see me or annoyed.

Could he even feel a thing? A dead body could muster more expression than this man could.

“This is my brother, Sergey,” Nikolai introduced us. He gestured to the pretty lady beside the man. “And this is his wife Lilianna.”

Sergey didn’t smile, but Lilianna did so widely that I couldn’t hold back my own smile. She stepped forward and hugged me. “Hi, Giselle. I’m Lilianna. It’s so nice to finally get to meet you.”

My God, she had to be the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Her hazel eyes sparkled from the sunlight overhead, her brown hair was so long it cascaded down her back.

She’d worn a silver dress that glinted and dazzled, making her stand out in the crowd. She seemed to be such a lovely person, too bad she was stuck with a stone of a man.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” I said, forcing my eyes not to dart in Sergey’s direction. His presence made my stomach curl nervously.

Lilianna pulled back. “Finally, there’s another lady in the family. It’s such a hassle dealing with these boys all on my own.”


She didn't seem the least uncomfortable or timid for someone who was married to the emotionless head of the Bratva. She spoke like they would all bow to her if she asked.

I giggled nervously.

“Let’s go shopping and have fun together sometime. I’ve been so lonely all alone.”

Sergey shot her an unpleased look, but she brushed it off with a laugh. “My husband swears his company is the best I could ever have. I think I’ll enjoy yours more.”

My heart sank into my stomach. Was he going to be mad because his wife was outrightly choosing me over him?

“Welcome to the family, Giselle.” Sergey’s voice was deep, and although there was no hint of hatred in his voice, terror still clawed at my chest. He stretched his hand out to shake me.

I reluctantly took his hand, wishing the ground would open its mouth and swallow me. I preferred that to how much this man terrified me. Shaking him felt like walking on a shaky bridge in the middle of the sea, one wrong step and I would fall in and drown.


“I believe he’s briefed you on how things work here. You’re family now, and family comes first,” he said. I was certain it wasn’t a threat, but it was hard not to feel like it was when he sounded so serious.

My gaze met Nikolai and I pleaded for him to save me from his brother with my eyes.

Save me, please!

“That’s enough, Sergey,” Nikolai said, parting his brother’s hand from mine. “You’re scaring her.”

Lilianna giggled. “Sorry. He’s not as terrifying as he looks, I promise.”

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