Page 6 of Claiming Charity

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I fidget in my seat. Filling out forms is my nemesis. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

“What’s wrong?” Ryder’s dark eyes are concerned as he looks at me.

His soft tone and kindness almost unravel me, and I swallow my tears. “It’s been a long day, Ryder. The tree going up in flames is serious. It was the only one available on the set, and it’s going to reflect badly on me.”

“You’re more important than a goddamn tree, Charity,” Ryder growls, taking me by surprise. He scrubs a hand down his face. “I’m sorry. You gave me a scare. It won’t take long, and you’re not leaving here until you’ve been checked over.”

Oh.Is it wrong that I’m turned on by his growly protectiveness?

I force my attention back to the paperwork, but a minute later, I drop the clipboard on the hard plastic seat beside me with a heavy sigh.“I can’t fill this out right now.” My voice breaks. “I feel so stupid in situations like this.”

“Here, let me. You’re still a little foggy. And I never want to hear you call yourself stupid again.” His voice is firm as he reaches across me to grab the papers from the chair.

I expect him to ask me for the information he needs to complete the form, but a few minutes later, he’s done and hands them back to the receptionist.Hmm.Seems he didn’t need my input. I guess he does know pretty much everything about me.

“I can’t believe I burned down the tree.” I close my eyes and lean my head back, willing the tears away. God, I’m an emotional wreck today. I love Christmas, but it’s always tough without Luke. “Now I’ll forever be known as the props manager who set a Christmas tree on fire.”

‘That wasn’t your fault. The outlet was dangerously overloaded. You could’ve died,” Ryder huffs, his face dark with anger and something else, something unfamiliar I can’t put my finger on.

I open my mouth to reply, but the nurse appears and calls my name.

“I’m Erin. I’ll be looking after you. Would you like your boyfriend to accompany you?” she asks kindly.

“Oh, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s”—My lover? Husband? God, yes, please—“just a friend.” I blush, following the nurse to an examination room.

“Your pulse is all over the place,” Erin says five minutes later. ‘Though I don’t think it’s anything to do with the electric shock.” Her grin and knowing look have me blushing.

“He is . . .wasmy brother’s friend,” I mumble.

Erin frowns. “Was?”

“My brother was killed in action.” Saying those words never gets any easier.

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,” Erin says gently, squeezing my hand.

I summon a smile. “My friend Ryder out there,”—I point toward the waiting room—“feels responsible for me now Luke’s gone. They served together. Luke threw himself in front of Ryder and saved him from the bullet that killed him.” I’m unsure why I’m sharing this with a woman I’ve only known for five minutes. Erin seems kind, and it’s cathartic to confide in a stranger.

Erin shakes her head and clucks her tongue. “I don’t think that man’s motivation isresponsibility.”

I almost laugh aloud at Erin’s insinuation. Whatever Ryder feels, it’s certainly not the aching, yearning longing I have for him . . . and never will be.

Chapter Four


Charity is back within fifteen minutes, her right hand wrapped in a fresh bandage with instructions to take it easy.

“So, there’s a Christmas tree place close to the studio. It’s still open if their website can be trusted.” Charity sounds determined.

I heft a sigh. I did promise. And I don’t break promises, no matter what.“Come on then, Sparkles.”

“Ha, ha.” She gives me the evil eye.

A smile spreads over my face as I guide her from the hospital.

The Wright Tree is a few miles past the studio, and even though I have an avid dislike of all things festive, I have to admit, it’s pretty cool. Trees of all kinds stand in rows, and Charity seems to know exactly what she’s looking for as she moves with ease through the gaps, stopping to gently feel the branches of a couple of potential replacements.

Temporary floodlights have been erected so shoppers can see in the dark, and they cast a warm glow over her, highlighting her high cheekbones, long neck, and cute button nose with its smattering of freckles.

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