Page 43 of Wicked Knight

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“The bouncer said the prey were actors.” Enzo stepped closer to Donata, pointing at the threesome. “I can’t tell if she’s acting or not.”

“Seems we were all fed different stories. Right now, all I want to know is how we’re going to get past the second floor to get to the lobby?” Donata lifted her chin toward another trio.

The creep who grabbed her earlier had found two more friends. The only way out of here was to bulldozer our way through whoever was stupid enough to come after Donata. To hell with the rules. She never agreed to any of it. I removed my tuxedo jacket and rolled up my sleeves.

“Any chance she’ll be safe locked up in your suite?” Enzo asked.

“Who the hell knows what those people were told.” I cupped Donata’s cheek. “They won’t touch you. I promise.”

The fear that registered in her eyes cut me. Donata had a way to disarm me, to make me forget why she and I were a really bad idea. Her lip trembled, and I bent down to kiss it. And I didn’t care if Enzo knew that even if Donata had lied about me, she hadn’t been wrong.

I wanted her in the worst way possible. I wanted her since day one.

“Enzo,” I called for him. “We make a run for it. I’ll make sure no one gets in your way.” I shifted my attention to Donata, who was still nestled in my arms. “Don’t look back. And don’t stop until you’re outside.”

“I’m sorry.” She took in a deep breath. “I had no idea it would be like this.”

“Too late for that.” I kissed her softly. “Go.”

My entire body ached when I pushed her away from me and into Enzo’s waiting arms. I hated that he felt that he could have his hands on her like that. That she never recoiled from his touch. But tonight, all of that didn’t matter. We had to get Donata to safety.

I moved in front of them and went straight to the asshole looking at Donata like she was tonight’s main course. He had lipstick on his button-down shirt, which had me thinking he’d already been with someone else. He was back for the one who got away.

At least now I could do what I wanted to do since I first saw him with Donata. Punching his face sounded like a good idea to me. As soon as he was within reach, I clocked him. His friend immediately stepped in. But I had been waiting for him. I rammed my fist into his side, then finished him with an uppercut to the chin. Blood splattered everywhere as I gripped the lapel of his jacket and brought him up to look me straight in the eye. “She’s mine. Do you understand? Stop this now.”

“It’s just a fucking game. Ease up, man,” he mumbled as he winced in pain.

He stayed on the floor near my feet. But his two other friends came after me again. Why? These guys had never been in a fight. Their moves were slow and heavy. I’d been trained to be a mafia soldier since I was a kid. This wasn’t a fair fight. But they were either too high or too drunk to see it. Or they wanted Donata that bad that they were willing to try. These assholes wanted to take Donata from me. I was ready to kill them.

“Don’t stop.” Enzo’s voice carried through the landing.

He and Donata had already reached the stairs and were making their way to the lobby. I stomped toward them, shoving men in matching dark suits out of the way. What the fuck? Those assholes back there called security on me. So assaulting unsuspecting women was okay, but throwing a few jabs wasn’t?

The security guys only seemed concerned with containing me. They didn’t care about the other people asking for help a few feet away from us. It was as if this game had been designed for certain people to win. Well, they made a mistake when they got Donata involved. I wasn’t going to let them get away with it. From the top of the stairs, I spotted Donata’s blonde head and her sparkly dress. They were almost to the door but had two men heading straight for them.


I’d assumed the game would be over once Donata made it outside. But now that I thought about it, the bouncer had said it ended at sunrise.

“Donata,” I called for her.

I made it halfway down the stairwell before three men grabbed me by the arms. I punched the first one and kicked him off the landing. The rest of the assholes held me down as I struggled to get away from them and catch up to Donata. I had to make sure she was fine, that she made it home okay.

The thought of Donata stuck in this place for five more hours pumped my muscles with adrenaline and hate. I shoved the guys off me and descended the rest of the steps. When I glanced up, the bouncer had Donata by the elbow. She was alone and on the verge of tears.

“Get your hands off her.” I prowled toward them.

“Luca. Behind you.” She covered her mouth.

I stopped in my tracks, but before I could turn around, I got hit in the back of the head, and everything went dark.


Because You're Mine


“Luca,” I called for him again, while the bouncer held my arm in a tight grip. The bruising had already started from all the people pulling me back and forth. “Where are they taking him?”

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