Page 31 of Where Demons Hide

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“If you follow me inside, after hours, for a Schedule II narcotic, I won’t have to call the cops. My boss will.” I sound more confident than I feel. “And do you really think I’d risk having you come back once you post bail to finish what you started?” I sound so convincing, I almost believe it myself.

He grins from ear-to-ear and winks at me. “I knew you were a smart one.”

He walks over to the truck and waits for the female driver to roll down the window. He tells her something, and she glares in my direction but nods, then rolls the tinted window back up. The man points at the clinic with the knife and tells me to hurry up.

I turn toward the back door, coming face-to-face with another man as he rounds the corner of the building. My heart skips, breath stops. Oh my God.No.

Callisto is here.Why is he here?

Panic shoots through me. Not again. I can’t do this again. My eyes bore into him, pleading with him to turn around and walk away, but he isn’t even looking at me. He’s focused on the man.

“Now, look what you’re making me do, you stupid cunt,” the man spits.

I look back at him as he flicks open his knife and starts walking toward Callisto.

Desperation floods my voice. I glance back at Callisto. “Hey, I’m just closing up. I’ll meet you in the front.” I don’t use his name. I can’t take the risk of this man knowing who he is. I walk faster, hoping I can get to Cal before the man does but not having any idea what will happen when I do.

Just turn the hell around, Callisto.

Pill Pusher’s eyes dart from me over to Cal, and my blood runs cold.

Callisto walks right past me, completely silent, stopping a few feet away from the pill pusher. He stuffs his hands into his pockets, leaving himself completely unprepared for any kind of attack.Where is his gun?I know he has one. He said he carried it for this very reason, so where the hell is it?Pull out your fucking gun.

His eyes never move from the drug dealer. It’s almost as if he’s daring the guy to do something.

Oh, God. I’m going to be sick.

Don’t be a hero. I’ve seen this movie before. I know how this ends.

It all plays out in slow motion in my mind. The fight. The blood. The end.

I can’t breathe.Please, God. Not again.

I rush over, stopping steps away from the both of them when Callisto finally moves, closing the distance between himself and the man. He looks back at me, studying my face. My lip is busted. I taste the blood. I’m pretty sure my cheek is bruised and swollen, and I’m bleeding through my shirt. His eyes flare. The atmosphere crackles with rage, rumbles in its wake with every step he takes.

He keeps his hands in his pockets as he looks the drug dealer in the eyes. “Did you do that to her?” he asks, his voice surprisingly calm, yet demanding enough to send a chill slicing through the air.

The man stands frozen in place. His face grows pale in the moonlight the moment Callisto steps out into the open. His body visibly trembles, almost as if he recognizes Cal and is afraid of him. “It… it w—was an accident,” he stammers.

Callisto slowly walks over to the man, leaning down close to his pale face. He says something too low for me to hear but I feel the threat in the air. It trembles and quakes, sending goosebumps over my flesh.

The man looks over at me, pure terror in his eyes. “My apologies, ma’am.” He turns and runs back to his truck.

Like lightning, his taillights disappear as he speeds out of the parking lot, leaving me standing here, staring at Callisto. Every heartbeat throbs with relief. Fear. Anger. Confusion. Despair.

I want to scream.

I want to cry.

I want to roll myself into a ball and hide.

It’s deja vu. It’s too real. Too raw. In my mind, I just watched the man I love die all over again.Only he didn’t. He didn’t even have to fight. There wasn’t even a confrontation.

“Makenna. Angel, where are you?” Callisto is speakingas though he’s been calling my name for hours.

“What? I’m sorry. I’m here. I just—”I just don’t know.That’s what.

“He hurt you.” His jaw clenches as his eyes move over the cut on my lip, then down to the blood on my shirt. His nostrils flare.

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