Page 58 of The Bone Man

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With that, the line goes silent.

I pull my phone away from my ear to see that he hung up and tuck the device back into my pocket.

Slowly, I make my way back to the pit to join the others while we wait to see if Flint will pull off a miracle and find those bones.

the hand in the bag

- Marc -

We makeit back to the road, the morning sunlight bright after the shadows of the forest.

As we cross the street, Darius pulls out his keys to pop open the trunk of his expensive sports car. We all gather around to peer inside at the skull, which lies nestled in an emergency blanket so it won’t bounce around.

Johannsson lets out a low whistle. “That’s a lot of teeth. I wouldn’t want to run into one of those on a dark night.”

Pen looks at him incredulously. “Boogeymen like to come out from under beds while you’re sleeping, or don’t you know your lore?”

He shakes his head and backs away. “I’ll wait in my car and follow you guys to the Conservatory.”

“Scaredy cat!” Pen yells as he hurries off.

I turn to Darius and raise my eyebrows. “I can’t believe you allowed these dirty bones inside your car.”

“He’s trying to convince me that his luxury ride is appropriate for running cases.” Pen reaches inside and grabs the evidence bag with the hand. “Convince him that the sedan is better.”

I grip Darius’s shoulder and look him in the eye. “The sedan is better.”

“Liar.” His skin heats through the fabric of his shirt. “You love my car.”

I shake my head. “It costs way too much for what you get.”

He leans closer and purrs, “But you love it.”

Warmth sweeps through me, but I don’t back down. “As long as it’s you spending the money and not me, I don’t mind the luxury, but no whining when you get scuff marks on the leather seats or, gods forbid, bloodstains.”

His nostrils flare with offense. “I don’t whine.”

“Yes, you do,” Pen and I say at the same time.

We grin at each other, and Pen strides ahead toward the van, calling back, “Bring the skull.”

I look at Darius, who purses his lips. “I pulled it out of the hole and put it in the trunk.”

“No reason to stop your streak now, then.” I grip the lid of the trunk and wait.

With a sigh, he gathers up the blanket, wrapping the skull inside.

I glance toward Pen and lower my voice. “Everything okay?”

Darius stiffens. “I miscalculated.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “For future reference, only sneak out while everyone else is sleeping if it’s a one-night stand. Don’t do that to the people you love.”

“I won’t make the mistake again.” He straightens with the bundle cradled in his arms. “If there is a next time.”

I close the trunk. “What do you think?”

His gaze drifts to the van. “That I will still need restraint, but not as much as I used to.”

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