Page 57 of The Bone Man

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“Should we drop the hand off at the Conservatory, too?” Pen whispers. “It will help identify how long this has been going on. And the symbol could tell us what kind of monster we’re facing.”

The hand is human, and while ancient, it could still solve a cold case. “Take Johannsson with you to maintain as much of the chain of custody as possible going forward.”

Pen’s nose wrinkles, but she nods in agreement, and determination lights her golden eyes. “We’ll get something locked in for you.”

Turning away, she strides over to where Johannsson hovers as far from the pit as possible and collects him before returning to Darius and Marc, and the four walk away from the scene.

I appreciate their determination and faith in me, but the weight of responsibility rests on my shoulders. The JTFPI relies on me to keep the department running, and I fear I seriously messed up today.

I got too cocky when I should have remembered to toe the line. This is a delicate game where I’m trying to prove I can be a team player, and I fumbled.

As they vanish into the woods, my phone vibrates in my pocket, and my muscles stiffen with dread. For a moment, I’m tempted to ignore the call, but that will only make things worse.

I step away from my team, putting distance between us before pulling out my phone and answering. “Captain Sharpe speaking.”

“You have some balls on you, Sharpe,” Chief Lynch growls into the speaker. “What is this about making Bailey’s people permanent transfers?”

My shoulders relax some. “I had them tested when they came in to be interviewed for the Bone Yard task force, and I discovered officers with magical immunity that had somehow slipped by the magical immunity test. Per protocol, I had them transferred to my department as permanent officers.”

Lynch grunts. “You’re just determined to keep kicking that beehive, aren’t you?”

“Captain Bailey is welcome to test all of my officers the same way, and commandeer any who fail the test,” I say in an even tone, knowing full well all of my people will pass. “But I would suggest an investigation into the people administering the test, sir, as it is clearly failing somewhere.”

He grunts again. “What’s the update on the Bone Yard project? Were the Cleaners able to negotiate a compromise?”

“They’re still working on it.” I pace a little farther away. “The king of the boogeymen will help, but he wants something in return.”

“Of course, he does. Demons are the best politicians around.” A tapping sound fills the speaker, like a pen against a desk. “What does he want? Is it something we can do without pissing everyone off?”

“Some of his people have gone missing, and he wants them found.” I reach into my pocket and fist the bottle of antacids I’ve taken to carrying. “The Cleaners started on the case yesterday and already have a lead.”

“Good,” he grunts. “How quickly can they get this resolved?”

I stiffen my spine. “That’s where we’ve run into a snag.”

A beat of silence comes from the other end of the line before Lynch’s voice barks through the speaker. “What kind of snag?”

“A mass grave.” I close my eyes. “Under the forest off the New Clearhelm access road. We’re out here now, trying to open it back up.”

Another long silence follows. “Sharpe, you know we can’t just tear up protected land without proper authorization.”

I take a deep breath to steady my nerves. “It’s a bone grave, Chief. A pit filled with the remains of countless victims. And it’s connected to the missing boogeymen, who we need to find if we want to avoid burning the Bone Yard to the ground. If we destroy the demon city, there will be nothing for tourists to gawk at, and this entire venture will have lost its merit. We have to go where the lead takes us.”

“And you have proof of this mass grave?” Lynch demands.

I glance back toward the empty pit, my jaw clenching with frustration. “We will.”

“You better not leave that forest without it, Sharpe,” Lynch grits out. “I already saved your ass once for tearing up personal property on founder land. Berdherst is going to have a fit when he hears about this.”

“I’ll get the proof,” I promise.

Lynch’s sigh fills my ear. “You’re on thin ice here. The mayor is pushing to get this project on the schedule. We can’t afford any setbacks.”

I grit my teeth. “We’ll get the disappearances solved, and you’ll have your tourist attraction.”

At least, I hope that’s the case.

“Keep me updated,” he snaps, his tone curt.

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