Page 25 of Easy

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Ernesto Ramos watchedas his troops trudged back to the trucks. He was aware they were wet and miserable, but they couldn’t afford to pause in their pursuit. The US was here on foreign soil without the express consent of his president. That would anger the current man in power, and when word got out, cause an international incident. Ramos would hold that trump card for now. All his men were loyal to him, especially the two SEBIN assassins, Eddy Garcia, and Gian Tovar who had gotten the information he’d needed out of that tough American. He could imagine their reaction, relishing the look on their faces, when Cole came back to them like refuse in the streets.

His main concern was for the American who had his sweet America. He wanted her back so bad, his dick was constantly semi-stiff, and he was in a foul mood.

“You sure some woman is worth all of this?” Tovar asked, offering him a bottle of water.

Ramos’s gaze flicked to him, shaking his head. “She is mine, and I will have her back. No one gets out of El Helicoide without me getting paid.”

“You do this all for yourself, not the country,” Tovar said, and Ramos glared.

“Causes rise like the sun, Gian, and change with each politician. Before this day is over, they may change again.” His president angered some world leaders and coddled favor with others, those kinds of leaders were power-hungry. It mattered little to Ramos unless it was in his personal interest to do so. “Money has no politics.”

“You’ll never get what you want from her.”

“Then I’ll take it.” He watched as the excess water, washing earth and stone, sent thick streams of liquid off the hill and into the ravine. That little piece of fluff killed Lopez, escaped from his prison, and was now running from him.

“I’d like to meet her,” Garcia said with a chilling smile.

Ramos would never discount that his America was the more dangerous of the two he pursued. She was unpredictable. She intrigued him even more, and he wondered what it was going to take to break her completely. He anticipated that experiment with anticipation and excitement, his dick hardening.Run little rabbit, run. The fox is in hot pursuit.“Garcia and Tovar, the man with her dies when I say he does.”

“Understood,Hefe,” they said in unison. Just like he’d said. Money had no politics, but it sure bought some excellent loyalty and superb, deadly skills. Garcia was a master with a knife, and Tovar liked to beat his subjects to death. It was a winning combination.

* * *

The air conditionerkicked on in the dimly lit room, stirring the blinds and making them flutter. She came awake, her heart pounding and her breathing so labored she felt as if she’d been running, but there was nothing to fear in this cocoon of warmth and support.

The feeling of being clean and in the softness of a bed she would never take for granted again was indescribable, as was the sense of satisfaction she experienced the moment her eyes fell on Easy’s slumbering face.

The man might be a deadly commando, but he was the best lover she had ever had. Those orgasms were epic, going to a depth she’d never experienced before. The man was endowed with some amazing equipment, and he didn’t hesitate, and was skilled in using all of it from his mouth to his hands, to his shaft, perfectly thick, exquisitely hard. Heat flared in her memories. Something she’d needed last night, and she wasn’t going to second guess. Ramos’s hold on her had gone indistinct in the wake of how Easy had fucked her.

The feel of his warm body tucked around hers made her shift gently in the bed. It had been a very long while since she’d woken up next to a man. When it came to sex, it never happened at her place. Following her mother’s advice, Jack kept control and opted to leave as soon as she was finished with him. A guy mentality, but closeness wasn’t something she allowed herself. At least not with a man who was alpha sexy and commanding like Easy. The sight of him made her whole body throb with a heavy, pulsating ache, replacing that terrible, fierce emptiness she typically experienced when she first opened her eyes in the morning.

She scooted back without touching him, her gaze traveling over his long, naked body. She noticed a few scars, a couple left by bullets. Her hands itched to touch him, but she had a feeling it was going to be a long damn day and she wanted to let him sleep.

For now, she would look, concentrating on his muscled arms, his defined chest, and lean, rippled abs. She ached to brush at all that dark hair that fell over his brow, remembering the silky texture of it last night, the ends curling under his jaw. Then there was that face, a chiseled jaw, strong throat, and beautiful mouth that had given her such incredible pleasure. With his eyes closed, she got to stare and marveled at his thick, dark lashes.

He might be buck naked, but she was clad in his T-shirt. When he went to take a longer shower, she got up from the bed, feeling a bit vulnerable and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. As it settled around her, the musky scent of him filled her nostrils and she breathed deep. That was the smell of safety and comfort. She’d eaten ravenously, then gotten back into bed, falling asleep before he was finished in the bathroom.

She studied the length of him, from his achingly broad shoulders to his lean waist, then the flare of his well-developed thighs tapering down to his shins. He even had nice feet.

When her gaze moved back up, she got snagged on his swelling shaft, thickening and elongating until he was fully erect.

“What we have, Jack, is a morning wood situation, and I don’t have a look-but-don’t-touch policy.” His deep voice rumbled through the mattress and into her chest, tightening her nipples into hard knots from the sexy sound.

Her gaze flew up to his face. His eyes were open, and she hadn’t even heard him come awake. To her credit, she had been busy with all her senses at that moment. His dark stubble lined his jaw, making his eyes stand out like twin sapphires. How could they be so vibrantly blue?

Feeling confined, seconds later, his T-shirt was gone, and she was completely naked. Still mute, she touched his mouth, rubbing her fingers along that delicious lower lip, then cupping his jaw, the roughness of his morning beard tingling in her palm and rippling out to every part of her body. Heat settled in her core, her heart beating to the rhythm of his. She moved closer and pressed her mouth to his.

He was quick to respond. She savored the heat of his lips on hers, the slow, lazy sweep of his tongue as their connection deepened, and the feel of his hands sliding along her shoulders. Hands that were big and strong yet achingly gentle as they glided down her back and drew her close against a body that was hot and hard and already aroused.

“Maybe we should have a conversation,” he whispered, just as his soft, warm lips touched down on her shoulder, then moved to the side of her neck, making her shiver as his damp mouth and hot breath rushed over her skin and teased the shell of her ear.

“Talking sometimes is overrated,” she whispered. This man couldn’t possibly get any sweeter than when she’d opened that bag to find all the things he’d thoughtfully provided for her, but here he was doing it again. Maybe her mother’s advice had been wrong. Maybe she had never met anyone like Easy. Her gaze went back to his exquisite erection, the way his shaft thrust upward against his belly.


She reached down and cupped the heavy sacks beneath his shaft, rolling them, then tugging. As soon as she touched him, his muscles flexed, and his breathing hitched. She savored the heat radiating off him, then moved her hand higher, until her fingers were wrapped snugly around the base of his heated flesh. She was rewarded with a deep, delicious, one-hundred-percent-male guttural groan.
