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“Would certainly make it easier.”

What am I doing? This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. Getting so wrapped up in this that it’s becoming more of a priority than how Lucas will feel about it. I should tell her that we can’t do this again.I’m staring at the ceiling, my mind and heart racing at the thought that I’m in the beginning stages of fucking up my entire relationship with my son when Avery’s breasts come into view and I realize she’s on top of me.

“I can hear you thinking. Relax. Everything’s fine. No one is going to find out.”

Maybe she’s right. There may be some feelings on both sides, but we both know it can’t go further than a physical relationship. So, it’s just sex. Great sex with a woman I’ve known since she was thirteen who is now twenty-one and fucking sexy as hell and takes my dick better than anyone ever has. Lucas won’t find out and one day we won’t be doing this and we will have gotten away with it and everything will be fine.

“Do you want to have sex again?” Her words cut through my thoughts and when my dick hardens beneath her, she giggles. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Fuck yes.”

I’m woken up the next morning by Avery on the phone. “Dad, I’m fine. I stayed at a friend’s house.” She sighs and when I turn over, I see her lying on her back with her hand over her eyes. “I talked to Mom last night. She was very drunk though but I told her I was staying out. No, I probably won’t be home for brunch. Oh no, I don’t care, you guys have fun. Yes, I know, dinner tonight. Okay, I’ll ask him if he wants to come. Mmmmhm, okay. Bye, Dad.” She puts her phone on the nightstand and turns towards me, her eyes lighting up when she sees I’m awake. “Hey,” she says with a sleepy smile.

“Good morning.”

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“It’s okay, I’m usually up around now anyway.” I look at the clock behind her that reads just after eight.

“Yeah, but we went to bed two hours ago.” She chuckles as I pull her against me and drop my lips to her forehead and then her nose and then her lush mouth. She whimpers against my mouth and my cock twitches in response.

“Was your dad upset?” I ask, trying to make sure everything is fine before I try to fuck her again.

“No, I guess Mom passed out last night before she could tell him that I was staying out and he panicked when I wasn’t home.”

“Should we head back?”

“Yeah, because you can drive me.” She snorts. “I’ll take an Uber, and you should wait an hour or so before leaving.”

“An Uber? Avery…” I groan because what kind of gentleman spends a night with a woman and then sends her home in an Uber.The kind that shouldn’t have spent the night with said woman in the first place!

“What other choice do we have? I could call Rory to pick me up but that would incite a thousand questions and you said I couldn’t tell anyone.”

It might be nice to have someone who knows in case we ever need an alibi but…Rory?“Can you trust Rory?”

“Not to blab to Lucas? I don’t know. She’s a chatty drunk. That’s why I haven’t told her anything about you.”


She shakes her head. “She’s loyal to me but she loves Lucas too and she might feel caught in the middle and if they’re ever together without me and drinking and…I don’t know. She went to school in Connecticut so she went to New York a lot to party so they hung out even more without me. I was worried she might slip up one night.”

“That’s fair, and I suppose you Ubering is the only way this works.”

She nods and looks up at me. “I had fun. Thank you for my graduation present.”

“This wasnotyour graduation present,” I correct her.

“Says you. This was the best thing I could have gotten. Multiple orgasms from the man I’ve been obsessed with for years? I can promise you a lot of girls would trade most of their graduation presents for that.”

“All that being said, there’s a check in the envelope I gave you.” I roll my eyes. “So, don’t lose it.”

“I don’t know if I feel comfortable taking a check now. Feels a little…transactional.” She taps her chin as her lips form a straight line.

I scoff and rub my forehead. “For the love of God, Avery, it’s not payment for the sex it’s a gift because you graduated college.”

“Still. We’ve had sex now.”

“Yes, we have and we are going to have sex again. You’re still keeping the check.”

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