Page 8 of And So, We Fall

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His eyes. Blue? Green? I couldn’t tell. Must be hazel then. But so light, almost like you could see through them. Why did the guy have to be so damn hot?

“I see.” His voice was assured, like the rest of him.

Smiling, though one hundred percent sure my smile didn’t reach my eyes, I said, “Glad to hear it. Have a good meeting.”

Half running toward the door, I swung it open, wondering if I’d managed to keep the sarcasm out of my voice when I said, “Have a good meeting.” Probably not.

Thankfully my apartment was about an eight-block walk to work, and I’d walked today. I needed the time to clear my head after that. First, Dave’s news. And then, meeting Jaxon. It was too much for this simple girl for one afternoon, and I needed to walk off having met my nemesis and, frankly, him looking like that.

Jaxon Hayes.

You’ve met your match.



“What are we celebrating?” Gian asked.

I bought a round of shots after Gian introduced me to some of his friends.

“A good day,” I said, lifting my shot glass in the air. “Cheers.”

As the smooth liquid ran down my throat, a flash of the minx that had stared me down earlier came back to me. Again. It was just such an unusual response from a woman. Typically they fell at my feet, and that wasn’t bragging. Just a fact. But not this one.

Long blond hair pulled half back in what should have been an understated style. On her, it fit. I’d noticed those incredibly gorgeous brown eyes and full lips first, and when I’d gotten up close, an absolutely incredible pair of tits. She hardly wore any makeup at all but didn’t really need it, though she had been wearing mascara. I’d stared at her eyes long enough to see that, and the anger in them too.

When Dave explained her situation, I understood. In my line of work, I was constantly pissing people off, and it seemed, this time, Natalie Hartwell would be one of them. Too bad. I could have had a lot of fun with that one.

“I take it your meeting with the Trust went well?” Nate took away our shot glasses from behind the bar, also listening.

“Extremely well.”

“I think I know the property you’re talking about,” one of Gian’s friends said. “Is it just off Sutter Road?”

“That’s the one.”

“Nice spot. What’s the plan for it?”

That was the beauty of my line of work. Although it was a pain in the ass to purchase protected property, once you got through all the red tape and acquired the land, it was almost always a quick resale.

“No plan on my end. I’ll resell to the highest bidder. In this case, there’s no shortage of interested buyers. Probably the most interested is a guy who owns a chain of B&Bs. We’ll see.”

“I’ll have to ask Zoe,” Nate said from behind the bar. “See if Mr. Donovan knows about this.”

Donovan. I turned the name around in my head. “Doesn’t sound familiar,” I said finally as Gian’s friends left the bar for a game of darts, leaving just the two of us, and Nate, behind.

“Zoe’s boss. He owns a chain of resorts around the lake.”

“His daughter is a good friend of my fiancée’s,” Gian said. “She also manages one of the resorts. Like Zoe.”

“Lemme get this straight. Your fiancée’s friend manages a resort for her dad,” I said to Gian. “And your girlfriend,” I asked Nate, “manages another one of his resorts? And the two of them are friends?”

“You got it,” Nate said, pushing two beers across the bar. “I’d be surprised if Mr. Donovan doesn’t already know you’re in town. Guaranteed you’ll be hearing from him.”

“Happy to entertain an offer, but there’s still a long road ahead.”

Nate moved away to serve other customers.

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