Page 65 of And So, We Fall

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“I still can’t believe Mazzie is married,” I said to Charlee, who had just finished a movie. Wiggling in my seat after five hours of flying, with a few more to go, I looked up the aisle for a flight attendant. I could really use a drink.

That had been one hell of a patch of turbulence.

“Right? Wedding in Sicily. Honeymoon in Greece. Does it get any more romantic than that?”

I took a peek at Lucas to see what he thought about all of the wedding talk, but he was watching a movie of his own, apparently none the wiser to our conversation. Nate and Zoe had gone back yesterday.

“So when exactly do we switch to our time zone? Is there an imaginary line in the sky?”

“Good question,” Charlee asked. “Honestly I have no idea.”

I could text someone to ask what time it was back home.

I could texthim.

After all, we had in-flight WiFi. And he had told me to let him know I landed safely. I could tell Jax I was safely in the sky instead.

Question. What time is it there?

Charlee leaned over to look at my phone. “Figured.”

“What?” I said defensively. “I’m curious where it changes time.”

“And that was the only way you could figure it out?”

“Well, I can’t search for the answer. Only messaging works.”

“I bet the flight attendant knows.”

Good point.

“Admit it. You’re totally into him.”

Oh, I was into him all right.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I’d been denying it since he left. Problem was, Charlee wasn’t buying it. With good reason. Apparently our chemistry, was pretty noticeable at the reception.

“So what are you gonna do Tuesday?”

I’d told Charlee about our conversation yesterday morning, the only thing that marred an absolutely incredible weekend. As Jax, said, the best of my life.

“Talk about it, I guess. Remind him of the bet.” I didn’t like the look Charlee gave me. “What? You think I should let him off the hook?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“But you’re thinking it.”

“Not necessarily. But you do realize what you’re asking him to give up? It’s a lot of money. And the environmental impact is negligible. Your words.”

I had told Charlee too much. Sometimes I should keep my mouth shut.

“I’d love to talk to you about this, but someone’s texting me.”

“Uh huh.”

Charlee shook her head and popped her headphones back on, flipping through the movies once again.

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