Page 51 of And So, We Fall

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“Damn it.”

Jax wasn’t coming. I stared at the text, trying to read into it.

“What’s up?” Charlee asked next to me.

“Look at this. What do you think it means?”

We sat facing the street drinking limoncello spritzes, my friend completely up to speed on the day I spent with Jax, including the last bit about me taking a bag down to him in case I stayed the night at his place.

In case. Funny. As if there was a chance I wouldn’t. At least, I hadn’t thought so until now. Maybe he wouldn’t come at all. Maybe we wouldn’t be getting together tonight.

Maybe that was a blessing in disguise.

“I think it means he has a work issue, won’t be coming for drinks but will see you at dinner. At least, that’s what he said. Am I missing something?”

“I guess not.”

We continued to people watch, but Charlee knew me too well. Her expression said she was clearly not convinced. “Okay, spill.”

“I’m just being silly.”


I shrugged. “I was thinking maybe he had a change of heart.”

“About tonight?”


“What makes you think that? Ahh, never mind. Let me guess. The ex from hell.”

“Exes,” I clarified. “But yeah, college boy in particular.”

“Okay, but that was a long time ago and a totally different guy. Jax isn’t an immature asshole.”

“True. But what about the work thing? Is he talking about the inlet? Did something happen? Is he going back on the bet and moving forward with the sale anyway?”

“It’s not like you to be such a nervous Nellie. What’s really going on, Nat?”

I deflected. “That would be nervous Nat in my case.”

Charlee made a face. She wasn’t letting me off the hook.

“I dunno. It’s probably nothing. But if he doesn’t come, maybe that’s a good thing.”

“Because you’re liking him.”

I nodded.

“Is that so terrible? He actually seems like a decent guy, land-stealing aside.”

“He is a decent guy. I talked to him for a while last night,” Lucas said to Charlee’s right. We both turned to look at him.

“Sorry. Couldn’t help but overhear.”

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