Page 40 of And So, We Fall

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The street was dark and completely empty, with all the sane people not standing in the pouring rain.

“You’re angry—”

I cut him off. “I wonder why?”

“What was I supposed to do? Go in there and say, ‘No need for me to answer questions. I’m not purchasing the property’? You knew about this meeting since last week.”

“You made it sound”

I forgot about the rain. Looking into his eyes, I forgot about everything except that kiss and how badly I wanted him to do it again. A stupid kiss. Of all things to be worried about when Jaxon had all but finalized the property sale tonight.

“Nothing is final,” he said, looking like a sexy wet version of himself. I tried to imagine him in uniform, stationed somewhere, looking like this but even deadlier. Shivering, I tried to remember that I was angry. Very angry.

“Fucking hell.” He reached for me. Grabbed my neck from behind as if he was planning to kiss me.

“Oh no,” I began, but he stopped me.

“Another pass.”

That was all it took. I let him guide my head toward him as our mouths slammed together. Our second kiss was as out of control as the storm that swirled around us. Another crack of thunder seemed perfectly timed to the tangling of tongues and frantic speed at which we devoured each other.

Even still, I wanted so much more. To consume him, and let him consume me. Someone moaned as the kiss deepened. Was that me? Or him? Or both of us? Soon the kiss spiraled so far out of control that our hands were everywhere. If I could have torn off his clothes right there on the street, finally getting a peek at what I’d only been able to imagine so far, I’d have done it.

Pushing away, I held up my keys between us. His quick nod was all I needed to sprint up the stairs and let us both into my apartment. Once we were inside, a lamp turned on automatically. He looked around and then back at me.

“Nice place.”

“Thanks. Let me get some towels.” And then it occurred to me. “Actually, I have some clothes that might fit.”

Heading to the bathroom, I grabbed a towel and changed in record time. Then, grabbing the bag I’d intended to give back last week but somehow kept forgetting, I headed back out to find him looking at one of the pictures on my fireplace mantel. When I handed him a towel, Jax gave me a once-over.

“I love that look.”

“Yoga pants and a messy bun?”

“Yeah, that one.”

“Your clothes,” I said, handing the bag to him. “Bathroom’s over there.”

He took it without a word. As I watched Jax disappear into the bathroom, I wondered when I’d started thinking of him as Jax and not Jaxon, even though I refused to call him that out loud after tonight. But the more important question was...were we still on a pass? Or had that ended once the kiss was over? And why did it matter when I wanted to murder him?

I should never have pulled away.

You’d both be half undressed by now, giving the neighbors one hell of a show.

Speaking of a show, I’d dearly love to head over to that bathroom door and yank it open right about now. Instead, I relegated myself to putzing around the apartment, picking up any stray items and tidying up a bit.

“Thanks for the dry clothes.”

I spun around and groaned. Maybe I shouldn’t have suggested the sweats even though they were his. I’d forgotten the sweatpants were gray. Geez.

“They are yours.” I managed to tear my gaze from his crotch. Clearly, by Jax’s expression, I hadn’t been very subtle.

In response, Jax closed the distance between us. When he reached up, I thought he was going to pull me toward him, like before. Instead, he took a strand of my hair that had fallen and wrapped it around his finger.

“I’ve had an overwhelming desire to touch your hair since the first time we met. Is that strange?”

He must have been able to hear my heart beating. “There’s nothing normal about our situation, Jaxon.”

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